Champ Show Critique JISBC 2013

Critique –  Vivien Blackshaw

Joint Irish Setter Breed Clubs Championship Show

Hosted by South of England Irish Setter Club 14/07/2013


I was honoured to be asked to judge at this show and have been looking forward to it with great anticipation. The standard of bitches was extremely high and I was spoilt for choice in most classes. 

Thank you to my two able stewards for their hard work and for helping me to do my best to keep the bitches out of the sun on an exceptionally hot day.

Minor Puppy .  4

 A quality class of four lovely puppies.

1.    Morriss- Begg’s Thendara Chasing Boys to Sumaric.  Almost 9 mths old and a little more mature than some of the others in this class. Lovely head with gentle expression, good reach of neck and lay of shoulder. Ribs well sprung . Moved well carrying tail correctly

2.    Wilkins’s Margretwoods C’est la Vie. Gentle head and expression, nicely balanced, straight front. Good depth of chest. Well turned stifles.  Not quite as collected as winner on the move.

3.     Cox’s Tiroen to the Manor Born

Puppy.  14 .  2abs

1.    Sturrocks’s Forfarian Hey Sexy Lady. Gorgeous puppy.  Lovely

      head with refined skull and raised brows, dark eye and soft  

      expression.. Her neck flows into her well placed shoulders and

      her gently sloping topline continues into a well set on tail with no

      lumps or bumps over the croup. Ribs well sprung, good width through   

      hindquarters. Moved enthusiastically with drive and continued to do so all day    

      achieving BPB and BPIS .I am sure she has a rosy future ahead.

2   Borthwick’s Northamber Runs Riot at Lotushill.  I preferred the head of 1. But   

      nevertheless a pretty puppy with a sweet head. Gently arched neck leading

      into nicely placed shoulders. Straight front, good depth of brisket . Good

      angulation at rear.  Moved well.

3    Hinslea’s Northamber Riot in Rio

Junior  14  .2

1.    Swainston’s Glenvarna Dora the Explorer .J.W  Beautifully balanced bitch who flows from the tip of her head to the tip of her tail. Pretty balanced head with gentle expression. Strong well arched neck. Straight front. Good depth of chest and well sprung ribs, strong over loin. Free flowing movement.

2.    Muir’s Romarne One Night Only.  Another promising youngster. Lovely head and expression. Good front, well laid shoulders, gently sloping topline, neat feet. Moved well

3.    Pike’s Suteresett Bella Notte with Scarletti

Yearling  15   3

1.    Wilkins’s Bardonhill Hetty Bayliss among Margretswood J.W Refined and elegant with gorgeous head  which is well chiselled  and has a soft gentle expression. Neck of correct moderate length leading into a gently sloping topline and well set on tail. Good forechest, straight front , elbows well let down. Ribs well sprung , strong quarters. Moved with drive using her tail

2.    Bott’s Bardonhill True Love Ways . Another lovely bitch from this kennel. Pretty head and expression. She has lovely balance and good depth of brisket. Well sprung ribs, strong over loin. Moved steadily.

3.    Stevenson’s Lochlorien Scully Foxes Andley

Maiden 12  3

1.    Sturrocks’s Forfarian Hey Sexy Lady.

2.    Muir’s Romarne One Night Only. 

3.    Pike’s Suteresett Bella Notte with Scarletti

Novice 12.4

1.    Muir’s Romarne One Night Only. 

2.    Bott’s Bardonhill True Love Ways

3.    Borthwick’s Northamber Runs Riot at Lotushill

Debutant  9. 2

1.    Pike’s Suteresett Bella Notte with Scarletti  Pretty head with soft expression, nicely arched neck. Well balanced with straight front and good spring of rib. Moved steadily

2.    Watt’s Shenanagin Scrumptious Promising youngster who needs time to strengthen through. Refined head, flowing topline, straight front, good depth, little short on furnishings at present. Moved well.

3.    Webb’s Redeshka Arresting Sight

Undergraduate  9 . 1 + 1wd

1.    Watt’s Shenanagin Scrumptious

2.    Stevenson’s Lochlorien Scully Foxes Andley Well balanced with good topline and deep well sprung ribs. Well bent stifles and strong quarters. Shown in good coat. Moved well

3.    Corless’s Lynwood Just for Larks

Graduate 14.6

1.    Humprey’s Sutersett Miss Curious at Henalas JW. I loved this bitch and seriously considered her for the Res CC. I am certain she will go far with a little more maturity. Lovely well balanced head with gentle expression and just that glint of mischief in her eye. Correct reach of neck slightly arched  leading into well laid shoulders. Gently sloping topline with tail set on correctly. Good sternum, straight front, well sprung ribs, strong hindquarters. Shown in lovely coat and condition .Moved soundly.

2.    Pollard’s Grayrigge Beatrice JW . Gorgeous head with low set ears and soft expression. Good neck and shoulder, straight front . Well balanced  with strong quarters Moved ok.

3.    Mugford’s Lynwood Happy as a Lark JW

Post Graduate 14. 4

1.    Sturrocks’s Forfarian Caught You Lookin JW This bitch stood out for her over-all balance and conformation in this class.  Pleasing head, gently sloping topline , good depth and spring of rib. Strong over the loin, muscular quarters, neat feet. Moved round the ring with drive.

2.    Rowles’s Zendarric Arizona Sunset. Lovely bitch, just lacked the overall finish of the winner. Gentle head with raised brows and soft expression. Good forechest, neck and shoulder. Good rear angulation. Moved very well.

3.    Pollard’s Grayrigge Rosalind JW

Minor Limit  8

1.    Muir’s Romarne Savannah JW . I have admired this bitch since she was a puppy. At only 2.5 years old now she must have a great future ahead. She is racy, elegant and beautifully balanced with the prettiest of heads and soft dark eyes. Gently sloping topline with absolutely no bumps or lumps . Strong well developed hindquarters with good  first and second thigh and nice width across and through her rear which gave her strong driving movement even in the heat of the day. Res CC

2.    Hinslea’s Glenavna Sittin Pretty at Northamber. A lovely bitch of nice type.. Pretty head and kind dark eye.  Correct moderate neck and well laid shoulder. Well balanced with strong quarters. Moved soundly.

3.     Box’s Fernstart Lovesong.

Mid Limit 6 1

1.    Mutch’s  Astleyview Summer Fox.  Gentle head with dark expressive eyes, refined skull . Lovely neck and shoulder. Well balanced with deep chest and well sprung ribs. Strong rear moved with drive

2.     Henson’s Millcroft Paper Moon well proportioned head with gentle expression. Lovely outline with good neck and shoulder. Well angulated hindquarters. Moved well.

3.    Megan V Linder’s Hazel Ireleith

Limit  13.2

1.    Lohkamp & Lohkamp –Sommer’s Copper’s Bubble of Joy . To me this is what the breed standard means when it says “ racy, well balanced and full of quality. In conformation, proportionate” She filled my eye today. She has the most beautiful head with a refined skull and raised brows. Lots of chiselling in the head and a dark eye which gives her that kind intelligent expression we expect from our breed. Her neck is gently arched and of moderate length and sets cleanly into her fine shoulders. The topline is firm, straight and gently slopes down to her tail which is set on correctly and used on the move.  Her hindquarters are wide and powerful with hip to hock long and muscular. She has good depth of chest and spring of rib and free flowing driving  movement. Shown in excellent coat which has depth, presented well . I was delighted to award her the CC which I later learned gave her her crown. She went on to gain Res BIS behind her half brother .

2.    Hunter & Brown’s Fairhaven Louise Mountbatten at Braidmount. A gorgeous girl in lovely coat. Lovely head and expression. Very well balanced with good neck & shoulder, straight front , well sprung ribs and good forechest.  She has good width through her quarters which leads to her strong movement. I believe she has recently gained her title. Well done,  justly deserved.

3.    Smith’s Reddins Keppel

Open 10 .2

What a headache this class gave me ! I was really splitting hairs between them and some strong favourites went down the line.

1.    Backman’s Copper’s  Magical Bubble.  Pretty, pretty bitch with lovely balance and good depth of brisket and spring of rib.  Well angulated hindquarters with hocks well let down and good width through. She moved enthusiastically with drive, I just wished her coat was a little flatter when considering her for top honours.

2.    Naylor’s Singing Skies over Anlory JW Pretty head and gentle expression , good front , well sprung ribs, well turned stifles,and good quarters.  Shown in good coat. She moved soundly  but I think she was feeling the extreme heat today.

3.    Waterton’s Sh Ch Lynwood Kissed by an Angel at Sandstream JW Sh CM

Veteran  11. 4

1.    Fox’s Satlas Bleu Eyes  8.5 year old bitch shown in lovely coat and condition. Pretty head and intelligent expression. Good neck and shoulder. Well balanced with strong quarters . Moved soundly with enthusiasm.  BVB

2.    Kolbach’s CIB CIE Copper’s Music and Paws. I preferred the head of the winner but a lovely bitch in good coat and condition. Well balanced with good body. Moved well

3.    Waterton’s Lynwood Strands of Silk at Sandstream  JW Sh CM

Vivien Blackshaw
