Judging critique for Irish Setter dogs at the South of England Irish Setter Club championship show held at the K.C. building Stoneleigh 12/7/2015.
Firstly I would like to thank my two stewards who helped make my day easier with their friendliness , and members of the committee for inviting me and making me feel welcome.
It is 10 years since I last judged Irish setter dogs so every single one was new to me and I hope the following observations and overview will be taken in a constructive way. I owned my first Irish in the mid 60’s and started showing in 1969. Whilst I appreciate that presentation and handling methods have changed, the breed standard has not!
We seem to be losing the gently sloping toplines and correct tailsets which give a flow from withers to tip of the tail. I felt that front movement has improved but hind movement has deteriorated. Most dogs had no muscle here and this affects the drive. Viewed from behind the legs are all over the place and in profile on the move the leg from the hock joint to the foot was generally at a 45 degree angle inwards instead of backwards giving poor extension. I hardly saw a clean pair of heels all day. There were few correct feet, coupled with lack of muscletone indicates inadequate or incorrect excercise.
On the plus side I only found two iffy bites which is a big improvement on last time I judged. I would just like to mention eye colour, even allowing for the lighting in the hall there were many dogs with “ strange “ eye colour. They certainly didn’t qualify for “ dark hazel to dark brown “ but neither were they “ light eyes “ that we have all seen at some point. It did not necessarily affect the dogs’ expressions but definitely something to watch.
I know the standard says the body coat should be as free from curl and wave as possible but for me on otherwise excellent specimens it is a minor consideration.
M.P.D. 5 [ 2 ]
1st Gwendariff Unknown Soldier
Upstanding puppy presents a very balanced outline with good angles all round, one of the few with a correct upper arm as well as shoulders so consequently had a lovely neck. Dark eyes giving gentle expression. Topline and tailset good, moved well. Best P.D. In the challenge for best puppy my co-judge and I felt that felt that they were both very promising but gave it to the bitch on maturity
2nd Tredura Val Verdi
Naughty which is not unexpected. Not as good in upper arm or topline. Dark eyesand moved o.k. when settled.
3rd Shelindair Ginger Fizz.
P.D. 9 [ 4 ]
1st Fernstart Songwriter
Beautiful head, dark eyes, correct earset, moved well with lashing tail, but not as clean over the withers and topline as the previous class winner.
2nd Harreds Harlie of Blaysdell
Larger puppy but still well balanced. Good feet, shoulders, topline and tailset.
3rd Millcroft Moon Riot
J.D. 7 [ 2 ] Poor class in terms of heads , fronts and movement
1st Gwendariff Just in Thyme
Good topline, nice angles masculine head with dark eyes. Good in rib for one so young and moved well.
2nd Romarne under Orders
Kind expression, nice feet, moved o.k. not the refinement in skull of the winner or his topline.
3rd Kerrydown One Man
Y.D. 13 [ 2 ]
1st Thendara Committment JW
Presents a very balanced outline. Good head , dark eyes, correct earset. Good front angulation and bend of stifle, lovely feet. Tail used well on the move which showed drive and verve.
2nd Dazycutter Trick or Treat Tatsbro
Bit naughty and not as good in upper arm. Good feet, dark eyes, balanced head and moved o.k.
3rd Romarne Tattinger JW
M.D. 3
1st Fernstart Songwriter
2nd Logannish Prosecco
Reserve in puppy nice outline, dark eyes and good earset. Straight in upper arm.
3rd Cataluna the Countryman with Shelindair
N.D. 8 [ 2 ]
1st Glenvarna Fire and Ice at Hooley
At 2 years old the most mature in the class a bit of a fidget but moved well. Good layback of shoulder but could do with more refinement in his head.
2nd Fernstart Songwriter
3rd Penwyn Travelin Boy
1st Glenvarna Fire and Ice at Hooley
2nd Dazeycutter Trick or Treat Tatsbro
3rd Kerrydown One Man
U.G. 6 [ 1 ]
1st Kerrydown Night Hawk
Balanced upstanding dog who moved well. Good layback of shoulder although a little straight in upper arm. Adequate stifle, tailset a little low but used it well.
2nd Cordarragh We will Rock you
V.h.c. in yearling. Good neck and shoulders, dark eyes but a little down on his pasterns.
3rd Penwyn Travelin Boy
G. 17 [ 1 ] This was a lovely class in numbers and quality and I was spoilt for choice. All placings had the typical happy movement with the drive I was looking for.
1st Caskeys Mischief of Stylersetts JW
I loved this dogs’ outline, his angles fore and aft were good. Balanced head, dark eyes giving that gentle setter expression. Moved very well with lashing tail. Res. C.C. a shame he wasn’t around to challenge for Res. B.I.S.
2nd Deevonville Santana
Also presents a lovely outline and moved well. Correct tail set, head, ear set and good feet. Spring of rib still to come.
3rd Anlory Keltic Blue Sky JW
P.G. 11 [3 ]
1st Sutersett Rebel Rouser in Balbriggan
Lovely lines again on this dog, good neck and shoulders, correct eye shape and colour in a well balanced head. Good feet and moved well.
2nd Amblin Sweet William
Good head but not so dark in eye, nice bend of stifle, good feet and topline but needs better upper arm angulation.
3rd Applegrove Wallander with Cataluna [ imp. Swe. ]
M. L. 5 [ 1 ]
1st Aoibheanne’s Quite the Rebel by Balbriggan
For me this dog stood out in this class and had almost everything I was looking for. He has a correct long lean balanced head with dark eyes and a good depth to his muzzle. Flowing outline complimented by good angles all round so of course he moved well. Yes he has a wave to his coat but no dog is perfect, he moved well here and even better in the challenge to win the C.C. and on the referees’ decision B.I.S.
2nd Wynjill Well I Am JW
Shorter coupled than my winner. Good shoulders, but straight in upper arm and eye could be darker.
3rd Clonageera Kinross Love Barolo [ Imp. U.S.A. ]
Mid L. 3 [ 1 ]
1st Cataluna Red Baron
Free easy mover with lovely feet and good ear set ,dark eyes, correct tailset.
2nd Lynwood Lark in the Dark Jw
Good hindquarters and feet but not so good in topline or eye colour. Moved well.
Limit 18 [ 3 ]
1st Ronzalda Figaro
Nice dog with a lovely head, dark eyes and correct ear set. Good neck and shoulders and a rich colour coat. He moved well and I felt he had the ability to go even better but was held back slightly by his owner.
2nd Thendara Joe le Taxi for Stourford
A shorter coupled dog in lovely coat, balanced head, well set tail and moved well.
3rd Reddins Falcon
O.D. 9 [1 ] 8 Worthy champions each with their own virtues.
1st Sh. Ch. Gwendariff Whippersnapper
I can see why this dog has done so well. He is eyecatching especially as he moves with such panache. He is in tip top condition with gleaming coat and clean lines from withers to tail. He has a nice head with the correct eye shape but not the long lean, two equal rectangles head of my top awards.
2nd Sh.Ch. Sutersett Milky way with Scarletti JW
Another worthy ch. presenting the finished picture, although he has a different coat from the first. He has good feet and I did prefer his head and although he moved well he did not have the verve of the winner.
3rd Sh.Ch. Harvancourt Harlem at Jacingail
Veteran 6 None really showing their age and all dogs in good condition.
1st Sh.Ch. Riquitta Authentic
Masculine head ,good bite and good angles all round, movement true, in the challenge for B.V. although in far better coat he was down on his pasterns.
2nd Covarney Mocha meets Stourford.
Good shoulders leading into lovely neck, moved o.k
3rd Kirkavagh Intermezzo
Judge Linda Coleman
Critique for the bitches at the South of England Irish Setter Club Championship Show
12th July 2015
Minor Puppy
Milby and Stewart-Ritchie Mr P and Mrs D
1st Gwendariff We’ll Remember, tall bitch nice expression straight front neat feet good topline moved shade close behind
Blackshaw Mrs V A
1st Lanstara Spring Star, nice type lovely head and expression straight front neat feet good topline coat tail set and angulation moved well
Hall Mr P
Harreds Hettie, similar bitch lovely head expression kind eye straight front neat feet good ribs and well bent stifles moved well
Henderson Ms M
Sametsuz Mak’N Honey, my type of bitch nice siz pretty head lovely expression good front topline and coat good movement using her tail.
Naylor and Morrison Mr N and Miss J
Anlory Corbieres, a bit srtong in head for me nice eye and expression good ribs and quarters moved well changing her coat.
1stHill-Decoster Mrs Y
Entice Just Sweet, pretty bitch nice size lovely head with nice eye expression straight front good feet shoulders ribs topline and quarters moved well using her tail.
2ndMuir Mrs L
Romarne Tickled JW, stronger bitch lovely shape good ribs and quarters which she used on the move.
1stHenderson Ms M
Sametsuz Mak’N Honey
2ndHall Mrs K
Glennara Never Can Tell, 3rd in puppy lovely type good shape nice head and expression well sprung ribs good quarters lovely coat moved well.
1stHenderson Ms M
Sametsuz Mak’ N Honey
2ndMugford Mr R C and Mrs J P
Sangarah Skyline over Lynwood, nice size bit strong in head for me dark eye good expression straight front good feet shape quarters and coat moved ok.
1stBerry and Morris Mrs B Mrs L
BrinaraLowri, Tall bitch nice shape good head and expression kind eye straight front neat feet moved ok.
2nd Waterton Miss S
Santstream Summer Breeze, Another tall bitch nice type bit strong in head for me good ribs and quarters movement let her down.
1st and 2nd same as Debutant
1stPowis Mrs M A
Amberwave Feather, Tall bitch well balanced lovely head kind eye expresion straight front good feet well ribbed moved using her tail.
2ndBrady Mr and Mrs M F
Amberwave Guinevere. Litter sister to 1st very similar nice shape good head and expression good coat quarters moved well.
Post Graduate
1stBouman Miss A T
NL.Ch. Vicary’s Just In Love.Lovely bitch good head and expression kind eye straight front good feet ribs and quarters moved well lovely topline.
2nd Berry and Morris Mrs B Mrs L
Brinara Vanity Fair, Lovely type good head and eye nice good topline ribs quarters and tail set and coat.
Minor Limit
1stWalters Mrs J
DreamerlisRegal Jodie From Deneil, nice size petty bitch lovely head and eye expression straight front neat feet good ribs quarters and coat moved well.
2ndHall Mrs K A
CurrowhillTickle Pink with Glennara JW
Bigger bitch bit strong in head nice shape good topline quarters and coat moved ok.
Mid Limit
1st Stewart and Ritchie-Smith Mr A and Miss D
GwendariffHidden Rainbow, Pretty bitch nice size lovely head and eye neat feet good ribs quarters coat moved well
2ndGardiner Mr A Land Mrs S A
Blaysdell Miss Nuala, nice type and size good head and eye straight front neat feet good ribs quarters coat and topline moved well.
1stHenderson Mr M
Sametsuz In A Frankle, Super bitch lovely shape good head and eye straight front neat feet good ribs quarters and coat moved well. Pushed hard for the CC Rcc
2ndLongbottom and Stewart-Ritchie Mesd C&A and D
Gwendariff The Catz Whiskers JW,
Another lovely bitch nice type good head and eye good feet ribs quarters and coat mooved well.
1st Stewart and Ritchie-Smith Mr A and Miss D
Sh Ch and IR.Sh.Ch. Gwendariff Fizzy Pop JW, Lovely bitch super outline in lovey coat condition good head and eye straight front neat feet good ribs quarters moved like a dream well deserved the CC
2ndNaylor and Morrison Mr N and Miss J
Sh Ch Anlory Carinena JW lovely type nice head and eye good front feet ribs and quarters sadly out of coat, best mover of the day.
1stNaylor and Morrison Mr N and Miss J
Sh Ch Bardonhill Singing Skies over Anlory JW, 9 years old and still looking good showed some of the youngsters how to move, good head and eye straight front good ribs qurters and tail set which she used on the move. Best Veteran in Show well deserved.
2ndGardiner Mr A L and Mrs S A
Reddins Esther of Blaysdell, 2 lovely veterans nice head and expressin straight front neat feet lovely coat and tail set moved well.
Critique for the bitches at the South of England Irish Setter Club Championship Show
12th July 2015
Minor Puppy
Milby and Stewart-Ritchie Mr P and Mrs D
1st Gwendariff We’ll Remember, tall bitch nice expression straight front neat feet good topline moved shade close behind
Blackshaw Mrs V A
1st Lanstara Spring Star, nice type lovely head and expression straight front neat feet good topline coat tail set and angulation moved well
2ndHall Mr P
Harreds Hettie, similar bitch lovely head expression kind eye straight front neat feet good ribs and well bent stifles moved well
1stHenderson Ms M
Sametsuz Mak’N Honey, my type of bitch nice siz pretty head lovely expression good front topline and coat good movement using her tail.
2ndNaylor and Morrison Mr N and Miss J
Anlory Corbieres, a bit srtong in head for me nice eye and expression good ribs and quarters moved well changing her coat.
1stHill-Decoster Mrs Y
Entice Just Sweet, pretty bitch nice size lovely head with nice eye expression straight front good feet shoulders ribs topline and quarters moved well using her tail.
2ndMuir Mrs L
Romarne Tickled JW, stronger bitch lovely shape good ribs and quarters which she used on the move.
1stHenderson Ms M
Sametsuz Mak’N Honey
2ndHall Mrs K
Glennara Never Can Tell, 3rd in puppy lovely type good shape nice head and expression well sprung ribs good quarters lovely coat moved well.
1stHenderson Ms M
Sametsuz Mak’ N Honey
2ndMugford Mr R C and Mrs J P
Sangarah Skyline over Lynwood, nice size bit strong in head for me dark eye good expression straight front good feet shape quarters and coat moved ok.
1stBerry and Morris Mrs B Mrs L
BrinaraLowri, Tall bitch nice shape good head and expression kind eye straight front neat feet moved ok.
2nd Waterton Miss S
Santstream Summer Breeze, Another tall bitch nice type bit strong in head for me good ribs and quarters movement let her down.
1st and 2nd same as Debutant
1stPowis Mrs M A
Amberwave Feather, Tall bitch well balanced lovely head kind eye expresion straight front good feet well ribbed moved using her tail.
2ndBrady Mr and Mrs M F
Amberwave Guinevere. Litter sister to 1st very similar nice shape good head and expression good coat quarters moved well.
Post Graduate
1stBouman Miss A T
NL.Ch. Vicary’s Just In Love.Lovely bitch good head and expression kind eye straight front good feet ribs and quarters moved well lovely topline.
2nd Berry and Morris Mrs B Mrs L
Brinara Vanity Fair, Lovely type good head and eye nice good topline ribs quarters and tail set and coat.
Minor Limit
1stWalters Mrs J
DreamerlisRegal Jodie From Deneil, nice size petty bitch lovely head and eye expression straight front neat feet good ribs quarters and coat moved well.
2ndHall Mrs K A
CurrowhillTickle Pink with Glennara JW
Bigger bitch bit strong in head nice shape good topline quarters and coat moved ok.
Mid Limit
1st Stewart and Ritchie-Smith Mr A and Miss D
GwendariffHidden Rainbow, Pretty bitch nice size lovely head and eye neat feet good ribs quarters coat moved well
2ndGardiner Mr A Land Mrs S A
Blaysdell Miss Nuala, nice type and size good head and eye straight front neat feet good ribs quarters coat and topline moved well.
1stHenderson Mr M
Sametsuz In A Frankle, Super bitch lovely shape good head and eye straight front neat feet good ribs quarters and coat moved well. Pushed hard for the CC Rcc
2ndLongbottom and Stewart-Ritchie Mesd C&A and D
Gwendariff The Catz Whiskers JW,
Another lovely bitch nice type good head and eye good feet ribs quarters and coat mooved well.
1st Stewart and Ritchie-Smith Mr A and Miss D
Sh Ch and IR.Sh.Ch. Gwendariff Fizzy Pop JW, Lovely bitch super outline in lovey coat condition good head and eye straight front neat feet good ribs quarters moved like a dream well deserved the CC
2ndNaylor and Morrison Mr N and Miss J
Sh Ch Anlory Carinena JW lovely type nice head and eye good front feet ribs and quarters sadly out of coat, best mover of the day.
1stNaylor and Morrison Mr N and Miss J
Sh Ch Bardonhill Singing Skies over Anlory JW, 9 years old and still looking good showed some of the youngsters how to move, good head and eye straight front good ribs qurters and tail set which she used on the move. Best Veteran in Show well deserved.
2ndGardiner Mr A L and Mrs S A
Reddins Esther of Blaysdell, 2 lovely veterans nice head and expressin straight front neat feet lovely coat and tail set moved well.
Saturday, July 11, 2015