Joint Champ Show Critiques 2021





I would like to thank the Committee for their invitation to judge males at this very enjoyable
breed show. Also not forgetting my two hard working stewards on the day. On the positive
side I found some top quality youngsters present on the day. However, since I last judged,
I do have a couple of areas of concern which I feel are detrimental to the breed. My first is
gay tails, which in my opinion totally spoils the balance and outline of the dog, conflicting
with the breed standard that asks for it to be “carried as nearly as possible on a level with
or below the back.” My second concern is that I found several suspect mouths, which are
not acceptable in this beautiful breed and I penalised accordingly. However all of my
placings had a perfect scissor bite. Both of these faults are very difficult to breed out once
established within a breed.

Minor Puppy: No entries
Puppy: 1st & BPIS Stewart-Ritchie’s Nobleton Poblano of Gwendariff (Imp Est) NAF RAF
Stylish and elegant puppy of 11 months old. He has a lovely head with a gentle
expression, good front, clean over neck and shoulder line, deep chest and well ribbed for a
baby. Strong through the loin, gentle slope to topline, correct tail set and carriage and well
made hind quarters. Super on the move with high head carriage and positive in front and
rear action, 2nd Murray’s Bluebyeyou Love Affair Another well constructed puppy. Very
balanced with no exaggerations. Correct head with good eye shape and colour, reachy
neck set into well laid shoulders. Deep chest and well sprung ribs. Correct topline with
good tail set, well made hind quarters. He moved very soundly with correct tail carriage, 3rd
Gandy’s Zakhan’s Red Flame.
Junior: 1st Bott, Allen & Morgan’s Quensha Take A Bow Top quality youngster showing lots
of promise for the future. Racy and elegant in appearance but with correct bone and
substance. Possesses a beautiful head with raised brows, good eye shape and soft
expression. Good length of neck leading to text book shoulders. Good heart room, deep
chest and ribs well sprung. Short and strong through the loin, gentle slope to topline,
correct croup, tail well set and carried straight off his back. Well muscled rugged quarters
and short from hock to ground. Moved with lots of style and great drive,2nd Beresford’s
Jetsetter Wind of Dreams (Imp Rus) Very smart youngster. Looked balanced standing and
moving. Correct head shape with dark eye and gentle expression. So well made in body
with good angulation to front and rear. Ribs well sprung, strong topline, good tailset and
carriage. Moved very well covering the ground. , 3rd Pullen & Atkin’s Covarney Pickpocket
at Jacingail.
Yearling: 1st Richardson’s Bluesprings Now I’m Here at Forestfire Such a classic typey
male with no exaggerations. Looked really well when stacked with a balanced outline.
Good front, plenty of heart room. His head is lovely with a raised brow and dark gentle
eye. Good angulation to shoulders, deep chest and well ribbed up in body. Short and
strong through the loin, gentle slope to topline, good croup, well set tail and carriage,
strong angulated quarters enabled him to move soundly around the ring, 2nd Crocker &
Lewis’s Riverbrue Wonderwall at Hernwood A bigger male than my winner. That said he
has a stylish outline. Lovely head, long and lean, with dark eye. Good front, deep chest,
ribs developing well. Would have preferred him shorter through the loin. Strong well made
hind quarters, good tail set and carriage, very sound on the move, 3rd Dufrat’s Riverbrue
Cast No shadow on Haverley.
Novice: 1st Richardson’s Bluesprings Now I’m Here at Forestfire, 2nd Beresford’s
Jetsetter Wind of Dreams (Imp Rus), 3rd McCulloch’s Shenanagin Oh Oh Seven.
Graduate: 1st Harris, Bridgewater & Hoeksema’s Blazing Bronze Happy Clappy Sings
Konakakela (Imp Nld) Very handsome male with a clean and elegant outline. He posses a
long lean head and a soft gentle expression. Correct front with plenty of heart room,
reachy neck and good angulation to shoulder. Deep in body and good spring of ribs. Short
and strong through the loin, correct in topline, tail set and carriage. Powerful hindquarters.
Such a powerful mover with a long forward reach and drive from his strong quarters, 2nd
Gisby’s Sutereset Rum Tum Tugger I liked this very well constructed male and it was a
close decision between and my winner. He posses a lovely head with a dark eye and soft
expression. Very clean over his neck and shoulders, well bodied with deep chest and ribs
carried well back. Gently sloping topline, good croup and tail well set and carried. Well
bent stifles. He moved very soundly but not with the power of my winner, 3rd Meadows’
Gwendariff Justalkaboutme.
Post Graduate: 1st Condron’s Gwendariff D’Ya Fancy a Fling with Covarney Such a
quality head on this very handsome male. He is of medium size and presents a balanced
outline. Good front with elbows well let down, ribs carried well back and strong through the
loin. Correct topline and good tail set. Strong well angulated quarters, he moved very well
with a positive action and tail carried straight off his back, 2nd Randle’s Forfarian’s Hidden
secret with Rionore Such a very sound and honest male with no exaggerations. He
possesses a lovely head with raised brows and dark expressive eyes. Good bone so
correctly made in bodywith good angulation to shoulders and hind qaurters, short and
strong in loin, moved very soundly with tail carried straight off his back, 3rd Bott, Allen &
Morgan’s Quensha Just Like Fire
Limit: A strong class with some difficult decisions. 1st Muir’s Gwendariff I’m Coming Out
JW I’ve often admired this very typey quality male from the ringside and he did not
disappoint on further inspection. So racy and elegant but with just the right amount of
substance. Such a lovely head with raised brows, correct stop and low set ears. Gentle
expression and dark eye. Excellent front, good reach of neck set into well angulated
shoulders, good length to upper arm. Deep in body, ribs well sprung, short coupled, correct
top line, tail set and carriage. Strong well made quarters with good second thigh and short
from hock to ground. Very positive on the move with a lovely lashing tail straight off his
back. He was close up in the challenge, 2nd Edwards’s Gwendariff Ucan’tmissme
Bonhomie Another quality male from the same kennel as my winner. He presents a
balanced picture standing and moving. Lovely headed boy with a soft gentle expression,
good front developing well in body with good ribs. Clean over the neck and shoulders with
good length to upper arm, stifles ell bent he moved very well in a stylish manner but I still
feel his best is yet to come as he matures further, 3rd Rutherford & Judge’s Riverbrue
Galiano Fizz to Clonageera JW
Open: 1st & CC Dewar’s Gwendariff Here I Come I found exactly what I was looking for in
this top quality male. Racy and elegant in appearance and so very well balanced and free
from any exaggerations. He was lovely to go over with a beautiful head, such a gentle eye
and soft expression. Excellent front, good reach of neck leading to well angulated
shoulders. Mature in body with deep chest, elbows well tucked in, good ribs, short coupled
and strong in loin. Perfect top line gently sloping leading to correct croup with a well set tail
and carried straight of his back on the move. Strong well angulated quarters, he looked a
picture standing and was lovely to watch on the move with his head held high, plenty of
reach in front movement and very powerful rear action. Had no hesitation in awarding him
a very well deserved CC and in agreement with my co-judge went on to RBIS and Best
Opposite Sex, 2nd & RCC Toms’s Ir Sh Ch Toberbilly I Wish You Luck Ir Jun Ch JD I do not
recall having seen this very handsome stylish male before and although a bigger male
than my winner he was perfectly balanced and I could not fault him. He has a beautiful
head with a super soft expression, correct front showing plenty of heart room, deep brisket
and ribs carried well back, strong through the loin, correct in topline tail set and carriage.
Very well muscled strong hind quarters, really powered around the ring on the move with
tail lashing and completely in tune with his handler, no hesitation in bringing him back into
the ring to award him the RCC,3rd Lucas’s Sh Ch Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among
Amberlight JW
Veteran: Always a pleasure to judge the veteran classes. 1St & BVIS Mitchell’s Sh Ch
Amblin’s Sweet William I really appreciated this classic old fashioned type of male. He has
such a beautiful head with plenty of work, kind dark eye and such a soft gentle expression.
So very well balanced and constructed in body with correct angulation both front and rear.
Deep chest, good spring of rib, short coupled. Gently sloping topline, correct croup leading
to good tail set and carriage. Has good width to his very strong hindquarters, so very
sound and true on the move. A real credit to his owner, 2nd Pike’s Redclyst Javert Another
very handsome male who was put down in excellent coat and condition. He also appealed
for his overall balance and construction. Lovely headed boy with raised brows and dark
expressive eye. Clean over neck and shoulders, good depth to body and well ribbed up.
Strong well angulated quarters he held his topline correctly and on themove his tail was
straight off his back. Very sound in front and rear action, 3rd Condron & Needs’s Covarney
Macaroon ShCM

Judge Dogs: Sharon Littlechild

Irish Setter Joint Breed Show, hosted by The South of England Irish Setter Club


Thank you to everyone who sportingly entered under me during these worrying times and to the committee of the SEISC for their kind invitation and hospitality. Paignton DFA did us proud as we had our 2 club rings adjacent to their own 2 Irish Setter rings. My stewards were really helpful and considerate, so thank you to you both.

I was excited by my entry and had some wonderful ladies to assess. I remember thinking I wished I had been able to judge several older beauties, that I have long admired, in their prime. All were a credit to their owners. Several exhibits were unbathed and even, dare I say, a bit dirty; some with really gloopy eyes…. come on, it is one of the first things judges see! Some pretty exhibits, who looked lovely stood, let themselves down badly on the move, especially going.

MPB (3)1 Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. What a poppet, really fell for her. A lovely shape stood and moved true for such a youngster, holding her topline. A little more maturity in her body, right now than the next two babes. She looked at me with such kind eyes, has a good brow, skull and neck. Deep in brisket and well sprung rib. Will watch her career with interest. BPB. 2 Henderson’s Grenada Lofty Czerwony. Another nice baby, sweet expression and well set dark eyes. She was shown in good condition, straight in front, good bone and neat feet. 3 Ireson’s Swiftlark Irrepressible

PB (7,1 abs) Three lovely ladies headed this class

1 Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight. Almost 12 months old and she is a Delight. Really at one with owner today and moved well in both directions. Liked her shape, size and bone. Very sweet head and expression and dark eye, good reach of neck and body proportions. Tail well set on. 2 Stewart-Richie’s Gwendariff The Happy Hooker. I thought she might be my winner on first look around. Graceful, taller and rangier type with a long lean skull, correct earset, arched neck sitting cleanly into shoulders, straight front. Very neat feet. Shown in excellent order. In final assessment just preferred profile of one. 3 Jones’ Gwendariff Dazzling Diva. Really liked her too.

JB (6,1)

1 Bott, Allen & Morgan’s Quensha Crimes of Passion. Quite taken with this lovely young lady. Lots to admire; Lush head and expression, a twinkle in her eye, raised brow, arched neck, neatly leading into clean shoulder and well angulated front, deep at brisket, well sprung ribs. Super textured dark coat. She moved out well with good foot fall, flowing lines and strong, wide quarters and lashing tail action. 2 Hall’s Harreds Daisie. Another really attractive, quality junior. Lots of the same remarks applying although shorter in coupling than one. Pretty face, dark eyes and raised brows, Liked her overall shape very much, neatest feet, good limbs, moved steadily and true. Just preferred the overall performance of no.1 today. 3 Crombie & Stuart-Cook’s Bardonhill Going for Gold at Dawnglo

YB (5)

1 Frampton & Piggin’s Riverbrue Cloudburst over Strathmead. Already a well-known young lady and looked beautiful stood today. She has a very appealing head and pretty expression, sweetest eye, good ear set, arched neck, well angulated forequarters. A straight front, flowing topline, ample bend of stifle, wide quarters, short hocks and lovely tight feet. Shown in excellent condition.  2 Watt’s Shenanagin Half a Sixpence. Well put together and standing over plenty of ground, I liked her in profile very much. Lovely head piece, melting expression, kindest eyes and raised brow. Longish arched neck, straight front, gently sloping topline, strong over loin and small, neat feet. 3 Prangle’s Heathclare Just Fizz

NB (12,3)

1 Watt’s Shenanagin Half a Sixpence, 2nd in YB. 2 Giles’ Jetsetter Sangria Classic Red What super shape to this girl and very well shown. Everything just seems to fall correctly in place when stood and on the move. She really caught my eye. Extremely pretty head, kindest eyes and correct stop, arched moderate neck, and good layback of shoulder, strong quarters, well bent stifle, short hocks and super tight feet, just a little anxious on the move which cost her the first place.  Catling’s Quensha Family Portrait for Teleri.

GB (8)

1 Muir’s Gwendariff’s Up To Something. Most attractive and eye catching, showing clean lines in profile; the most endearing expression and desirable raised brow, low ear placement, lovely arch to neck which is set well into shoulders, good return of upper arm, straight front, neat feet, well ribbed, sweeping quarters and correct tail set, plus a beautifully conditioned dark coat. Moved confidently and at one with her owner. 2 Williamson’s Bluesprings Sunday Girl. Such a pretty girl, beautiful expression, correct skull proportions, arched neck, sound front and depth of brisket and a gently sloping topline; very neat feet and well up on her pasterns. Differing in size and shape, from one, but I really liked them both. 3 Randle’s Alolfrana Lady Million at Rionore

PGB (7,2)

1 Heather’s Sixoaks Leading Lady. Such a gentle natured girl. She is not overdone in anyway but so much quality, flowing from her nose to her tail. Sweetest head and eye, square at muzzle. Good angulation all through, strong limbs, width of thigh. Her owner needs to try move her out on a longer stride as looks well in profile standing and very much my type of girl.  Mother to my BPB. 2 Davie’s Lochfrae Nina Simone Another really nice, honest bitch without any real exaggeration. You appreciate her more with hands on. Feminine head and expression, good back skull, shoulder, topline and tail set. Ground coverage in profile and straight in and out was good. Just needs more coat to complete the picture. 3 Taylor’s Alchriset A Taste of Honey

LB (12,2) Fabulous, class and totally spoilt for choice, quality throughout. I could have handed out 3 CC’s here…

1 Mugford’s Lynwood Abracadabra JW, BCC and later BOB. My notes say “just beautiful”. On top form and for me looking better than ever today. Perfect balance, size and shape. She owns a beautiful, kind endearing face, raised brow, long and lean in skull and correct muzzle. Excellent front assembly and topline, well sprung ribs, stifles well bent and hocks short and straight. Driving well from her quarters and well turned stifles. Neatest feet. Excellent muscle tone and coat condition. Delighted to award her the CC, her 4th one. Congratulations. 2 Elkins’ Twoacres Promise of Spring with Avacet, RCC. Many of the above comments also apply to this pretty, feminine girl, who I have long admired but never judged. Very elegant, always seems to try her best for owner and went very well for change of runner, showing good stride, foot fall and wagging her well set on tail. Sweetest head and kind, dark eye, square at muzzle. Excellent body proportions and muscle tone.3 Roberts’ Jetsetter Cristalle to Polmennor JW. Another beauty I have always admired from ring side and has recently gained her crown, congratulations!

OB (5)

1 Hall’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Ophelia at Glennara JW. Loved her as a MPB when I last judged her and still love her now. Today she really did not want to cooperate with handler, having a princess moment, all and nearly blew it. Classic shape, standing over plenty of ground. Sound and honest throughout. Kindest, pretty dark eyes and raised brow, good stop and back skull, muscular neck, excellent shoulder placement and front and rear angulation, deep brisket, gently sloping topline. A very worthy Sh Ch. 2 Bott, Allen & Morgan’s Sh Ch Quensha Tumble and Twirl JW. Really changed and matured on during lockdown in my eye and today she was really on her toes. Shown in beautiful coat and hard muscular condition. Quite a fidget stood but once settled she looked beautiful. Moved out well with great ground coverage, but not too fast.  Good finish to foreface, kindly expression, well set dark eyes, arched muscular neck. Strong rear quarters, well turned stifle and short straight hocks. Mother to my JB winner. 3 Jones’ Gwendariff Nutmeg

VB (6) Three fabulous ladies

1 Donnelly’s Int & Ir Ch Millcroft Whispering Moon Jnr Ch. I have always adored this wonderful 9 year old lady. She looked fabulous and moved so well. A total credit to her adoring owner. Beautiful head and eye, good back skull, neck, straight front, neatest of feet, bone and gently sloping topline. Shown in tiptop muscular condition and coat. Both my Co Judge and I loved them both in the BV challenge, but, the handsome dog was a little fresher having rested longer – very close decision.  2 Andrews’ Millcroft Scarlett Moon. Another firm fav of mine, so pretty and appealing in head, body shape and construction and close up to 1, but could not match her in coat condition or drive on the move. 3 Partridge’s Kerrydown Octavia ShCM – thank you to you all for bringing your precious ladies.

Judge: Julie Humphreys