
As a member of the South of England Irish Setter Club you can benefit from a wealth of breed specific help and advice. By joining you can associate with people from all walks of life and their Irish Setters.

Share experiences and extend knowledge of the breed with other members, many of whom have kept Setters for over 40 years.

Two shows are held each year, one open and one championship, and additionally the club organises a variety of educational and social occasions.

Each year the Club produces printed inserts, with photographs and pedigrees, of all the previous year’s Show Champions which brings up to date and compliments our “Book of Show Champions”. This is a valuable source of information which is available free to members. This limited edition book and it’s inserts are highly regarded by many in the breed worldwide.

Join the South of England Irish Setter Club

If you wish to join the South of England Irish Setter Club then download, print and complete our membership application form. When completed please mail to the address at the bottom of the form.

In applying to join the South of England Irish Setter Club you are confirming that you have read and agree to abide by the club’s rules and code of ethics.

Apply On-Line

Complete downloaded Membership PDF then scan document and upload file. Please also either pay directly into SEISC bank account or setup standing order, membership will be active upon payment of subscription by bank. If you have any issues please contact