May I thank the Committee of B&DISC for inviting me over to judge this show and looking after me so well. After lockdown it was good to travel again and the experience of visiting NI for the first time was fun. I greatly appreciated the ‘on paper’ entry but was sad to have so few dogs to go over. However, equally disappointing for the Championship Show too, with less than half the entry entering the ring. But thank you to everyone who entered and swelled the coffers of the Society. Wonderful support.
VETERAN – dog or bitch – 4 (3)
1st Tupper & Rosie’s Staratlanta Elliott ShCM
Balanced 8-year-old dog who wears his age well. Presented in good condition, he has a lovely overall balance. He has a good classic head shape with the typical soft Irish expression. Angles front and rear are good and not overexaggerated in any way. He has a deep chest, well-ribbed back with gentle sloping topline into correct tailset. He moved well, covering the ground and was true going away and back.
MINOR PUPPY – dog or bitch – 1
1st McKelvey’s Edenaveys Unforgettable
6.5 months dog puppy who gave his handler a bit of a trial. When he settled, I saw an elegant shape. He has a lovely head with almond shaped eyes giving him a charming expression. Low set ears. Flowing topline from top of neck to tailset. Lovely spring of rib with good depth to chest. He has nice tight feet and good bone. On the move he was prone to start off pacing but when moving correctly was very pleased with his movement, straight fore and aft and covering the ground.
Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy In Show
PUPPY – dog or bitch – 3 (1)
1st McKelvey’s Edenaveys Unforgettable Repeat of Minor Puppy
2nd Murphy’s Clannrua Eriu
Pretty 11 month bitch presented in lovely coat condition and muscle tone. Good mover, covering the ground with nice forward reach. Correct angles front and rear. She has a gentle sloping topline and correct tailset, sufficient bone and nice tight feet. She has a pretty head with correct eye shape and low ear set. I would prefer the planes of her head to be a little more parallel which is the reason the dog puppy won BPIB on the day. Best Puppy Bitch
JUNIOR Dog – 1 (1)
YEARLING Dog – 1 (1)
GRADUATE Dog – 4 (2)
1st Walker’s Gwendariff Flags are Flyin
A balanced dog presenting a pleasing outline. He has a lean head with good eyeshape, low earset and nice finish to muzzle. Adequate length of neck flowing into good shoulders and through to correct tail placement. Good depth of chest. He has enough bone and stands on nice feet. He is not overexaggerated in his angles which allowed him to move freely covering the ground with ease. An elegant overall picture. Best Dog & Reserve Best In Show.
2nd Hughes’ Gwendariff Plays the Flute
A different type to the winner with a sweet head and presented in good condition. He has a lovely expression with correct eyeshape and earset. Deep chested with nice spring of rib. On the move he was steady but did not have the forward reach of the winner.
1st Murchison’s Kerryfair Please Please Me Corphin
Elegant dog standing alone. Lovely lean head with almond shaped eye and correct earset. To nit-pick, I would have liked a little squarer finish to his muzzle. Adequate length of neck leading through to gently sloping topline and correct tailset. Deep chest and well ribbed back. A little shorter-coupled than some others but good front and rear angles allowed him to move effortlessly over the ground.
LIMIT Dog – 7 (4)
1st Murchison’s Pawsword Paperback Writer for Corphin
My notes say ‘Elegant, lovely mover’. A balanced dog with correct angles front and rear. A lovely male head with gentle expression with correct eye shape. Good length of neck, deep chest with good spring of ribs set well back. Strong over the loin. Tight feet and well-boned. Moved nicely and pushed for Reserve Best Dog.
2nd Tupper & Rosie’s Staratlanta Shankly’s Fire
Judged this boy as a puppy and like how he’s come on. A balanced overall picture. Nice head with correct planes, eye shape and earset and finish to back of skull. Strong neck flows into gently sloping topline with correct tailset. Correct angles front and rear with good depth to chest and strong muscular loin. Although on the move he had good coverage and reach, he was a little weak on his hocks when going away. I understand he’d taken a knock so on another day things could be reversed.
3rd Murphy’s Clannrua Chestnut JUN CH
OPEN Dog – 2 (1)
1st Toms’ IR SH CH Toberbilly I Wish You Luck JD IR JUN CH
A lovely style of dog presented in good condition. He has a classic head shape with enough stop giving gentle Irish expression. Good earset and correct finish to back of skull. Adequate neck. Correct front angle with lovely depth of chest. Good bone, neat feet. Good bend of stifle not overdone. He moved very well. I would have preferred a slightly less sloping croup.
JUNIOR Bitch – 2 (1)
1st Jones’ Gwendariff Dazzling Diva
Pretty 13 month old. A balanced picture with correct angles not overexaggerated. Pretty head with the almond eye and correct low ear set. Good finish to back of skull. Enough neck length leading into a pleasant topline with correct tail set. Deep chested with nice spring of rib and strong over the loin. Presented in good coat condition and well muscled. Moved soundly covering the ground well.
YEARLING Bitch – 2 (2)
GRADUATE Bitch – 4 (4)
POST GRADUATE Bitch – No entries
LIMIT Bitch – 5 (3)
1st Nicolson’s Gwendariff Just the Ticket for Lochindorb
Nicely presented in good condition. Pretty feminine head with gentle expression from an almond shaped eye. Good earset. Angles are good in the front and rear. She has a nice topline with correct tailset. I personally would prefer a little more strength in her neck (which I found a little too fine) which would finish the overall balance for me. In saying that she moved very well and was happy to award her Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd McElvey’s Toberbilly Element of Luck for Edenaveys’
Very nice type but not so settled today. Good overall picture well presented in good coat. Loved her depth of chest and feminine head. Although she moved well with drive and reach I would have liked her to carry a little less weight on the day.
OPEN Bitch – 6 (5)
1st Ir Sh Ch Corranroo Just One Kiss with Riversett CJW 18 JUN Ch
Lovely balanced bitch presented in very nice condition. Feminine head with melting expression. Balanced planes with enough stop, correct finish to muzzle, eye shape and earset. Sufficient length of well-muscled neck to give overall balance flowing into a gentle topline to correct tailset. Front and rear angles are pleasing. She has good bone and nice tight feet. Deep chested with good spring of rib laid well back. Strong over the loin. She brought all these parts together to move very well covering the ground with ease and elegance. Very happy to award her Best Bitch & Best In Show.
Judge: S J Randle (Rionore)