Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and to my fabulous stewards, Bill and Trish, for keeping me in order throughout the day. It is four years since I last judged our breed and conscious that we have all been through challenging times, I approached the appointment with a little trepidation. I am pleased to see there were some super dogs on show today and in many classes depth in quality. I was thrilled with my winners who I thought we all top flight. Dog CC and Best of Breed was Stockton’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW. Res Dog CC was Edwards’ Gwendariff Ucan’tmissme Bonhomie. BCC was Catling’s Teleri Indian Summer (ai) JW. Res Bitch CC was Frampton & Piggin’s Riverbrue Cloudburst Over Strathmead. Best Puppy being Sturrock’s Forfarian Dusty Bottoms. Best Veteran, Box’s Sh Ch Bardonhill Afternoon D’Lite At Fernstart and Best Special Beginner, Shepherd’s Glenvarna Cover Girl.
MPD (2) 1 Sturrock, Sturrock & Sturrock’s Forfarian Dusty Bottoms. A very promising youngster. Lovely shape and outline showing balance and style. Masculine head and expression, good through the neck which led neatly to well placed shoulders. Good depth to forechest and adequate return of forearm, ribs springing nicely, well back to a firm loin and good croup. Stands on good legs and feet, well bodied. Movement was good in profile, needs to tighten in front but that will happen in time. A lovely youngster with bags of potential. Best Puppy in Breed. 2 Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible. Another smart young man who has a pleasing head and expression with enough work for his age, clean though neck and shoulders, decent lay back and return of upper arm. Good depth of forechest for his age and ribs well back, slightly longer through the loin than the winner, quarters developing nicely. Moved steadily once he settled.
PD (2) 1 Sturrock, Sturrock & Sturrock’s Forfarian Dusty Bottoms. 2 Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible.
JD (3, 2) 1 Berry, Morris & Fitzmaurice’s Brinara Country Boy. A nice type of youngster with a good outline. Masculine pleasing head and expression. He has a clean reach of neck, would have liked a tad more lay back in shoulder. Good length of body, good through the ribs and loin, well made quarters. Movement was good in profile, just needs to settle into his front action.
YD (4, 1) This was one of the most challenging classes of the day with three super youngsters who could have all easily taken top spot. 1 Brown’s Riverbrue Soldier On. Smart young dog who at this age presents a very impressive outline on the stack. Good size and substance, a clean picture which portrayed his racy lines and elegance. Masculine head with raised brow and balance, correct amount of work for his age and low set ears. Super front assembly, ribs sprung and well back and firm through loin. Well developed quarters and second thigh. Moved soundly with a good action but needs a little more pace to get into his stride. 2 Crocker & Lewis’ Riverbrue Wonderwall At Hernwood. Litter brother to the winner and a lot to like about him. A nice type of youngster with a good outline. He has a clean reach of neck, shoulder placement ok. Good length of body, good through the ribs, firm in loin, well made quarters, scored in movement today and pushed the winner hard in that respect, just found the proportions and head of Solder On more to my tastes. So well handled, as with his brother will have a bright future ahead of him. 3 Richardson’s Bluesprings Now I’m Here At Forestfire.
MD (1) 1 Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible. ND (6) 1 Berry, Morris & Fitzmaurice’s Brinara Country Boy. 2 Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible. 3 Deighton’s Oakdene Schiehallion (Imp Bel).
GD (6, 2) 1 Gisby’s Suteresett Rum Tum Tugger. This two year old dog has a lovely shape on him, good size and balanced angels fore and aft. He impressed on the stack and on the move, nothing overdone about him at all. Head pleasing, neck clean which led into wells set shoulders and good front assembly. Stood on well bone legs and super feet. Well made body with ribs well spring and firm loin. Quarters have good angles and stifles well bent. Best mover in the class. 2 Dodds’ Bardonhill Any Dream Will Do. A young man with a pleasing outline, he has a masculine head and expression which led on to a clean reach of neck. Would have liked a little more layback of shoulder, he has a decent return or upper arm. Good length of body with ribs well developed and a firm loin. Well made quarters, movement was positive just didn’t have the accuracy or front extension of the winner. 3 Henderson, Szwajkowski & Pike’s Redclyst Pershing.
PGD (8, 1) 1 Willis’ Gwendariff The Grand Master At Jacwilins. This two year old dog has a lovely shape on him, good size and balanced angels fore and aft. He impressed on the stack and on the move, nothing overdone about him at all. Head pleasing, neck clean which led into well set shoulders and a good front assembly. Stood on well bone legs and super feet. Well made body with ribs sprung and a firm loin. Quarters have good angles and stifles well bent. Best mover in the class with a super action both on the up and down and in profile. Kept in to the final four in the challenge, in this form I don’t think those green and white card will be far away. 2 Holehan’s Loganrish Lets Go Crazy. Smart dog who I really liked, presents a very impressive outline on the stack. Good size and substance, a clean picture which portrayed his racy lines and elegance. Masculine head with raised brow and balance, correct amount of work for his age and low set ears. Super front assembly, ribs sprung and well back and firm through loin. Well developed quarters. Really covered the ground with his open side gait. Just needs a little more coat and finish to complete the picture. 3 Lewis & Levene’s Bardonhill Ginger Nut At Valasarch.
MLD (4, 1) 1 Gisby’s Suteresett King Of Hearts JW. This chap has a smart outline with a masculine head and expression. He has a clean reach of neck. Good length of body, and through the ribs and loin, well made quarters, stifles well bent. Moved well with a good profile action. In good coat and condition. 2 Gardner’s Danwish On High (AI) JW. Balanced male who I have done well before and still think is a super type of dog. Pleasing head piece with raised brow very typical appealing expression. Led on to a clean reach of neck and well placed shoulders. Overall body proportions were good with depth to his chest. Good rear angulation. Moved out well and had a good side gait on him. 3 Toms’ Clannrua Birch.
LD (6) 1 Chorley, Chorley-Newton & Flinders’ Pawsword Priceless To Kerryfair JW. The boy came under me when I last judged as a raw junior and was great to see him here at the finished article. He has a super outline built on clean lines and well balanced from his neck to his tail set. Head masculine and of good proportion. Well made front assembly with shoulders well placed. Good angulation throughout and well bodied. Presented superbly with coat in gleaming condition, my notes just say he looked fabulous. He moved true, a shade close behind but he covers the ground with ease and that gave him the class. In the challenge he pushed the open dogs very close for the ticket, I really was splitting hairs. On the final run off he lost his flow and shape which cost him the green and white cards. One who I am sure will get his crown and it will be thoroughly deserved. 2 Russell’s Lynwood Hocus Pocus At Settesoli JW. Seen him from the ringside and this typy boy really appeals. He would just not play ball today, loved him on the stack but he just did not get into his stride on the move. Masculine head of good proportions and a good outline. He has a clean reach of neck, shoulder placement is excellent. Good length of body, good through the ribs, firm through the loin, well made quarters. Movement was sound just rather unsettled today and he didn’t get into his stride, which was a pity. 3 Lewis & Levene’s Glenlaine Squirrel Nutkinn At Valasarch.
OD (6) 1 Stockton’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW. This chap really scores on the move with that typical free flowing action, super side gate and true fore and aft. Cracking head and expression with those lovely raised brows. Super neck and shoulder placement, he has the desired return of forearm and developed forechest that I was looking for. Standing on good legs and super feet. Ribs are well sprung and back to a loin which is of the correct length and firm. Topline and tail set are correct, and this does not falter on the move. His stifles are well bent and firm in second thigh, he drove around that ring and won this class in very strong competition and I was later delighted to award him the DCC and Best of Breed. 2 Edwards’ Gwendariff Ucan’tmissme Bonhomie. Another top class dog who commands attention, watched him as a puppy and liked him then, now here as a mature adult he did not disappoint. Super outline built on clean lines and well balanced. I liked his masculine head and expression, clean through the neck into correctly placed shoulders. Handled and presented superbly with coat in gleaming condition. He moved true and covers the ground with ease, today he didn’t quite have the reach and extension in front of the winner, which was the deciding factor so had to be content with this place. Called him back in to the challenge and was delighted to award him the RCC. Thank you for bringing him. 3 ALcorn & Ingram’s Gwendariffs Red Light Show Farnfield.
VD (4, 2) 1 Rowbottom & Rowbottom’s Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Moon. What a grand old chap he is, he won limit under me last time, I was thrilled to see him walk into the class today. Now rising eight years old he has his richly deserved title. He still has that super outline and shape about him. Pleasing head of good shape and definition, with a good width of back skull. Kind eye than gave his that lovely expression. Clean neck into well-placed shoulders, super depth to chest. Well developed through the body with ribs well sprung and a firm loin. Excellent quarters with stifles well bent. Gently sloping topline. He moved with power and drive around the ring. It was a pleasure to see him here today. 2 Foster’s Millcroft Chase The moon To Shanoah. Smart dog, he has a pleasing head and expression and clean reach of neck. Not quite the front construction of the winner. Proportionate length of body, spring of rib and gently sloping topline. Decent quarters with a moderate bend of stifle and hocks well let down. Good action on the move, just not as fluid as the winner. SBB (4, 3) 1 Shepherd’s Glenvarna Cover Girl. This young 15 months old bitch has elegance is racy and feminine. Pleasing head and eye, clean through neck and shoulder and well angulated front assembly. Good depth to fore chest and ribs sprung and well back. Quarters well developed. She maintained her shape and top line throughout. In lovely coat and condition. Best Special Beginner.
MPB (6, 2) 1 Henderson & Szwajkowski’s Grenada Lofty Czerwony TAF NAF (Imp Pol). A very pretty young lady, took a bit of time to settle in movement but when she did she had good footfall and on the final run round was the most accurate. Feminine in head and expression, neck into well set shoulders, body of good proportion, waters well made with good angles front and rear. 2 Corless’ Swiftlark Illustrious. Another pleasing young lady who has an appealing headpiece and expression. Clean in neck, shoulder placement is correct, with good overall construction. Body of correct proportion with ribs well developed for her age. Quarters well made. Really enjoyed herself on the move, needs to find her feet a bit, had a super lashing tail. 3 Stevenson’s Lochlorien Unforgotten.
PB (5) 1 Heather & Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. Nine months old, correctly proportioned with that lovely mischievous look in her eye. Clean through the neck which led on to well placed shoulders. Front has the correct angulation, straight with the right depth of chest for her age. Standing on good legs. Well made through the body and quarters, with well bent stifles. Moved effortlessly around the ring in profile with that typical action. Delighted to award her Best Puppy Bitch. 2 Corless’ Swiftlark Illustrious. 3 Jones’ Wenflaen Deja Vu.
JB (4) 1 Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight. A very well balanced young lady who scored in outline. She has a pleasing head and expression, still needs to finish but has plenty of time on her side. Super neck and shoulder placement, good front assembly, standing on well bone legs and neat feet. Well bodied for her age and ribbed back to a firm loin, good finish to the croup and quarters developing well. Good bone and substance, moved well just needs to settle a little in front action to complete the picture. 2 Shepherd’s Glenvarna Cover Girl. 3 Walker’s Glenvarna My Girl.
YB (8, 1) This class was headed by three litter sisters, all quality bitches who I am sure will change places many times over the coming years. 1 Frampton & Piggin’s Riverbrue Cloudburst Over Strathmead. This lady has a super elegant outline and maintains her raciness. Lovely appealing feminine head, balanced and with a lovely eye and raised brow. Clean in neck leading to well placed shoulders and a good return of upper arm, depth through the forechest and straight front. Ribs well back and sprung to a firm and powerful loin. Lovely bend of stifles and short from hock to heal. Correct in outline and finish to the croup. She moved freely with drive with such ease and a super lashing tail. In the challenge she just flowed and push Indian Summer all the way. For me she just needed that finish that maturity will bring, delighted to award her the RCC. 2 Humphreys’ Riverbrue Flashbax At Henaleas. Another one I liked a lot, litter sister ton the winner, a very typy bitch who looked lovely on the stack with a gleaming coat. Beautiful head and eye, giving a soft and gentle expression. Lovely reach to her neck and this flowed into well placed shoulders, good body properties. Excellent quarters, stifles well bent and developed. She didn’t quite find her flow today and couldn’t match the winner in front action the move. Another that should have a bright future ahead of her. 3 Heppell’s Riverbrue Be Here Now.
MB (6) 1 Heather & Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. 2 Shepherd’s Glenvarna Cover Girl. 3 Corless’ Swiftlark Illustrious. NB (7) 1 Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight. 2 Heather & Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. 3 Shepherd’s Glenvarna Cover Girl.
GB (8, 1) 1 Humphreys’ Alolfrana Miss Daisy At Henaleas JW. I liked this bitch on the stack, a pleasing young lady who has an appealing headpiece and expression. Clean in neck, shoulder placement correct but would a her little tighter in elbow. She has good overall construction. Body of correct proportion with ribs well developed for her age. Quarters well made. Went well at the beginning of the class with a lashing tail, then not so good on the up and down but I could see her footfall was accurate. Did enough to take the place. 2 Williamson & Williamson’s Bluesprings Sunday Girl. Another nice typy bitch with a good overall outline, larger frame than the winner. Head of good proportions, good through the neck. Shoulders placement ok, would have like a little more return of upper arm, balanced angles front and rear. Body well made, ribs well sprung and firm through the loin. Excellent quarters, stifles well bent. Good rear action on the move just a bit untidy as she came towards me. 3 Robinson & Robinson’s Lanstara Red Dress.
PGB (9, 1) 1 Bott’s Bardonhill Love Of My Life. I just loved this three year old bitch on the stack and now looking at how she is bred I can see why, she so typical of her kennel which I really admire. She has elegance is racy and feminine. The most beautiful head and eye, clean through neck and shoulder into a well angulated front assembly. Good depth to forechest and ribs sprung and well back. Quarters developed, short from hock to heal. She maintained her shape and topline throughout. In super coat and condition. Moved out well and covered the ground as she should have. 2 Sturrock, Sturrock & Sturrock’s Forfarian Soo Lush JW. She has elegance, is racy and totally feminine. Lovely head and eye clean through neck and shoulder and well angulated front assembly. Good depth to forechest and ribs sprung and well back. Quarters developed, short from hock to heal. She maintained her shape and topline throughout, not quite as tidy in front as she came towards me today and just pipped at the last by the winner. 3 Holehan’s Loganrish Diamonds N’pearls.
MLB (6, 3) 1 Catling’s Teleri Indian Summer (AI) JW. Today was clearly her day, presents a fabulous outline which is balanced and flows, she has substance and is racy. Beautiful balanced head and melting expression. Lovely reach of neck which led to well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Straight front and good depth to fore chest, ribs sprung and well back to a firm loin. Powerful developed quarters which gave her such drive on the move. Her topline was superb, and she maintained this throughout, I thought she covered the ground with ease and style. On the final run round she lifted her game and just told me she was the winner. Delighted to award her the BCC. 2 Edwards’ Gwendariff Its Numero Uno At Bonhomie JW. Very honest and sound lady, feminine with substance, good head and expression, clean through the neck and shoulders and correct front assembly. Good through the body, super top line and finish to the croup. Sweeping bend of stifle and in firm condition. Extremely sound on the move but not as tidy as the winner in elbow. 3 Bott’s Bardonhill Words Of Love.
LB (6, 2) 1 Bouttell & Burbridge’s Ixia Rainbow Brite TAF. A very feminine lady with an elegant and racy picture. She has a beautiful head and expression. Super clean reach of neck which led on to well placed shoulders. Correct body proportions with a gently sloping topline, ribs well sprung and good length of loin. Quarters well made with a sweeping bend of stifle. Coat in good condition. Liked her a lot and was in contention in the challenge for top honours. 2 Stevenson’s Lochlorien True Detective Is Andley. Another very nice lady, out of a different mould to the winner, more substantial but still feminine and balanced, pleasing head with a soft expression. Good front construction and overall balance, Quarters well developed with stifles well bent. Presented a pleasing outline on the stack, but she was not as accurate on the move as the winner today. 3 Nevitt’s Aoibheanne’s Stay With Me.
OB (1) 1 Mugford’s Sh Ch Lynwood Abracadabra JW. A feminine lady, she presents an elegant yet racy picture. She has a pleasing head shape. Clean reach of neck which led on to well placed shoulders. Correct body proportions with a gently sloping topline, ribs well sprung and good length of loin. Quarters well made with a sweeping bend of stifle. Coat in excellent good condition. VB (5, 2) 1 Box’s Bardonhill Afternoon D’Lite At Fernstart. This lady won the RCC under me last time I judged, and I was thrilled to see her again. She has just gained her title as a veteran and she is clearly on top form. An elegant and sound lady, feminine with substance and style. She has a beautify head piece with a pleasing soft expression, good through the neck and shoulders and correct front assembly. Standing on well boned legs and super neat feet. Correct body proportions, super topline and finish to the croup. Good bend of stifle and in firm condition. Was sound on the move today with a good action, she was really enjoying herself. Later jut pipped the veteran dog winner to take Best Veteran. 2 Taylor & Taylor’s Danaway Goody Two Shoes. Lovely lady enjoying her day in the sunshine, she has pleasing head and soft expression, good reach of neck and balanced angles both fore and aft. Good through the body. Covering the ground with ease and style, I could hardly believe her age as she was really giving the youngsters a run for their money. 3 Stevenson’s Lochlorien Scully Foxes Andley ShCM.
Anthony Allen