Bridgend and District K A

 Sunday 3rd March 2019

Puppy             0 entries

 Junior 2.0

 MacDonald, REDCLYST HEAD FUL OF DREAMS, 12 month promising dog of nice type, masculine head and expression, well arched neck onto correct shoulders, straight front, well sprung ribs, well balanced in length with good turn of stifle, moved loosely but sound.

  1. Lewis, QUENSHA DREAM A DREAM, 13month bitch, feminine expression, good front, tight feet, well ribbed, correct topline and tailset, moved OK.

  Post Grad 8:4

 Mugford, LYNWOOD ABRACADABRA JW, Quality well balanced 21mth bitch, shown in good coat and condition, beautiful feminine head and expression, well arched neck into correct shoulders, straight at front, well sprung ribs and good length of loin, well set tail, well muscled quarters with correct stifles, short hock to heel, moved well with lashing tail. My BOB, extremely pleased to see her also take GROUP 1.

  1. MacDonald, REDCLYST MAXIMUS, 22mth masculine boy, well defined stop, correct ear set, straight to front, deep chest with well sprung ribs, well set tail, good quarters, moved well.

 Open  5:1

 Childs, TREDURA VAL VERDI, 4yr medium sized boy, straight at front, masculine in head with correct eye,, good ear set, good length of neck on good shoulders, well sprung ribs and good depth of chest, good quarters and tailset, slightly longer in loin than I would prefer yet not detracting from overall qualities, moved well. Res BOB

  1. Taylor, DANAWAY GOODY TWO SHOES, 4yr feminine bitch, 3rd in previous class, good to front, well sprung ribs with good topline, moved well using her tail.

 Jim Sharman
