Critique Gundog Society of Wales 2021

DCC – Roffey’s Gwendariff Lucy’s Legacy. RDCC – Hughes’ Gwendariff Plays The Flute. BCC – Stewart-Ritchie’s Gwendariff Come Fly With Me. RBCC – Hadfield’s Covarney Estee Avec Marzanne JW. BOB – Stewart-Ritchie’s Gwendariff Come Fly With Me. BP – Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. BV – Willis’ Sh Ch Gwendariff Thyme Bomb At Jacwilins JW.
MPD (2) 1 Needs’ Covarney It Takes Time. Confident 8 month old puppy who is quite mature for his age, lovely head with raised brow, dark eye, low set ears and kind expression. Good front and shoulder assembly, firm top line, with the correct gentle slope, well developed body proportions, strong hindquarters. Moved well and expertly handled to take the class. BPD. 2 Purves’ Grousehill Dream Boy. At just 6 months old this young man is still very much a baby but displaying good breed type, super outline liked his head and expression it just needs to break which I am sure it will, good bone, he is still quite raw but he has plenty of time to mature. He tended to stand a little easty westy and was a little erratic on the move, but once he settled he moved true.
PD (2) 1 Needs’ Covarney It Takes Time. Repeat of MP. 2 Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible. 9 month old well grown lad who was quite exuberant, he is still very raw, but has plenty of bone, good head with a very mischievous expression, he has good angulation fore and aft, his coat is a little wavy. Difficult to assess the movement to begin with but once settled he moved ok.
JD (7, 1) 1 Bott, Allen & Morgan’s Quensha Take A Bow. At nearly 18 months old this young man really stood out in this class. He is full of breed type and is totally balanced in outline. His head is long and lean, raised brow, dark eye, with a melting expression, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. His topline slopes gently downwards from his withers, he is so well muscled throughout. He was presented in super coat and condition. On the move, he just flows around the ring, with plenty of reach and drive and keeps his top line at all times. Very close up for top honours. 2 Berry, Morris & Fitzmaurice’s Brinara Country Boy. Another one of good breed type, balanced in outline, good neck and well laid shoulder, leading on to a firm topline. Well ribbed back, has strength in loin. Not as mature as winner and he just needs to body up. Moved well. 3 Pullen & Atkin’s Covarney Pickpocket At Jacingail.
YD (3, 1) 1 Crocker & Lewis’ Riverbrue Wonderwall At Hernwood. Upstanding eyecatching mature male who is a real showman. He was presented in first class condition, super head with the raised brow and correct chiselling, dark eye and gentle expression. Strong neck into a firm topline. Good body proportions with well sprung ribs, and with excellent angles and muscle tone behind. Used himself to the best advantage on the move and handled to perfection. 2 Brown’s Riverbrue Soldier On. Another super young dog of good breed type and litter brother to my winner and very similar remarks apply, he has excellent muscle tone all through, and presented in super condition he was just not as positive on the move as winner.
ND (5) 1 Cohen’s Lynwood Merry May King With Shushana. 2 year old lively young man who is of lovely make and shape, long lean head, with raised brow, dark eye and nicely chiselled. Good balanced forequarters with good bone, strong top line, good depth and spring to the ribcage. Presented in super coat and condition. Strong hindquarters which he used to advantage on the move. 2 Berry, Morris & Fitzmaurice’s Brinara Country Boy. Repeat of second in Junior. 3 Murray’s Bluebyeyou Love Affair At Derrydore.
UGD (2) 1 Webb & Danks-Kemish’s Alolfrana Azzaro Beside Redeshka (AI). Quality 3 year old male who has style and substance, balanced in outline, he stands on strong legs and feet. Super head of correct proportions, dark eye and soft expression, good body proportions with depth and ample spring of rib, correct topline and strong in loin. He was presented in outstanding condition and his movement is fluid and positive with a lively tail action and excellent side gait. 2 Cohen’s Lynwood Merry May King With Shushana. Repeat of first in Novice.
GD (4, 1) 1 Hughes’ Gwendariff Plays The Flute. This 2 year old young dog really appealed when I went over him as overall every part fits together as it should. He presents a classic outline with flowing lines and strength throughout. Handsome, well balanced head with dark eye and kind expression, moderately long arched neck set cleanly into his deep, well laid shoulders. He has the depth of brisket, balanced quarters fore and aft, good spring of rib, he is beautifully presented and is very steady and correct on the move carrying his tail level with his topline. RDCC. 2 Hemmings’ Orlanset A New Flame. 3 year old masculine dog, of good breed type, balanced in outline, preferred the head and tail carriage of winner, presented in good coat just carrying a little weight today which reflected in his movement. 3 Henderson, Szwajkowski & Pike’s Redclyst Pershing.
PGD (8, 2) 1 Gardner’s Quensha Walk Me Home To Danwish. Super young dog of good breed type, who is in such hard muscled condition. Handsome head with chiselling, raised brow and super expression. Arched neck, firm top line gently sloping from the withers. Good body proportions, strength in loin, well off for bone, presented in good coat and condition, moved well on a good stride. 2 Macdonald’s Redclyst Head Full Of Dreams. Another male of good make and shape, racy in outline, lovely correct head with soft expression, super forequarters, deep brisket, well sprung ribs, strong and well angulated hindquarters. Not as positive on the move as winner and tended to carry his tail high. 3 Needs’ Covarney Paco Rabanne At Stourford.
MLD (2) 1 Rutherford & Judge’s Riverbrue Galliano Fizz To Clonageera JW. Elegant masculine male who is balanced throughout, typical racy outline. masculine head with a melting expression. Clean reach of neck leading into good front, correct top line, strong loin and super angulated quarters. Presented in super coat and condition. Moved well. 2 Gardner’s Danwish On High (AI) JW. Another super dog and I preferred his head to winner, he has a super outline, well muscled throughout and presented in fabulous coat and condition, moved well but just tended to toe in and carried his tail a little high which cost him the class.
LD (11, 1) 1 Roffey’s Gwendariff Lucy’s Legacy. I just loved everything about this dog, he oozes quality and breed type, he was presented in outstanding coat and condition. He is elegant and racy with good bone and substance. I adored his head, it is refined with lovely chiselling raised brow, dark expressive eyes, which when I looked into them I could see his soul. Everything just flows smoothly through his deep strong body, his slightly arched neck is set cleanly into correct lay of shoulder. Excellent body proportions, he is so well muscled throughout, his movement is effortless and ground covering, he is totally at one with his handler displaying tremendous reach and drive and holding his top line at all times. I was delighted to award him his first CC. 2 Russell’s Lynwood Hocus Pocus At Settesoli JW. Lovely make and shape, masculine head with raised brows and a soft expression, good body proportions, moved well, preferred the overall balance of winner. 3 Pym, Bott & Milligan-Bott’s Thendara Marshmello JW.
OD (8, 1) 1 Willis’ Sh Ch Gwendariff Thyme Bomb At Jacwilins JW. Another dog from this kennel who oozes type and quality, he is built on clean lines and balanced throughout. I can’t believe he is a veteran he certainly belies his age. Lovely head of correct proportions and chiselling with soft expressive eyes, raised brows. Very well balanced fore and aft, well muscled throughout Shown in excellent coat and condition and moved extremely well with plenty of reach and drive. BV. 2 Dewar’s Gwendariff Here I Come. Another sound dog from this kennel, super balanced outline with nothing overdone about him at all. Super head and expression, and low ear set. Good angulation fore and aft, good depth of chest and well ribbed back to strong loin. He was presented in good coat and condition. Movement was slightly erratic today. 3 Stockton’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW.
VD (3, 1) 1 Partridge’s Kerrydown One Man. Masculine all through, Head of correct proportions with expressive eye, correct length of neck leading into well angulated front, deep chest, good length to body, well arched loin. Presented in good coat and condition. 2 Hyslop’s Gwendariff Justin Thyme JW. Good overall type, super head and expression, correct neck and topline, not quite the front angulation or movement of winner.
MPB (6, 2) 1 Hall’s Glennara Cherry Cola. Extremely feminine baby, well balanced, clean in outline and full of quality. She has a very pretty head with dark eye, super expression, low ear set, elegant neck into correctly balanced forequarters. Very outgoing personality, well developed chest and body proportions for one so young, flowing topline, good tail set, moved very well. 2 Clarke’s Covarney Dream Time. Quality puppy with lots of promise. she has an impressive and clean outline, with everything in the right place for her age. Lovely head, with a nicely darkening eye to give a gentle expression. Her young handler really did a professional job and they both worked together as a team. On the move she displayed a happy and outgoing personality lashing her tail as she went. 3 Hadfield’s Covarney Time After Time For Marzanne.
PB (5) 1 Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. It was an absolute delight to go over this young lady. She totally filled my eye, she is so correctly made, clean and balanced all through. I loved her head and expression, she was presented in outstanding condition, on the move she was totally at one with her handler, a pleasure to award her BPIB. 2 Hall’s Glennara Cherry Cola. Repeat of MP. 3 Clarke’s Covarney Dream Time.
JB (9, 2) 1 Douthwaite & Wharfe’s Quensha Beautiful Stranger Of Gracwood. Another quality youngster and I noticed litter sister to my Junior Dog winner, there is s lots to like about her, she has lovely balance and construction. feminine head, which is well proportioned, dark eye and gentle expression. Good length of neck, firm gently sloping topline. Brisket is down to the elbow and her outline has the desired raciness. She has a super side gait with plenty of reach and drive. 2 Jones’ Redclyst Floras Secret. This bitch had lots of good qualities about her and is very sound. Lovely head and expression, muscular neck into good forequarters, she is very well proportioned throughout with ample bone. Moved well. 3 Evans’ Alolfrana Anna Stesia Of Tytarva.
YB (7, 1) 1 Milligan-Bott & Bott’s Thendara Strictly Samba. Beautifully balanced bitch with a typical racy outline, she has plenty of substance yet such an elegance about her. Super well shaped head with kind expression, correct ear set, she has the raised brow, correct stop and well defined occiput. Muscular neck flowing into well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm. Well sprung ribs, strong over loin and well angulated behind which gave her a super balanced outline. She has a lovely coat colour and texture and moved true and freely with correct tail carriage. 2 Turner’s Blazing Bronze Jitterbug. Another lovely specimen, not as much bone as winner and a little longer in body, but well made and pleasing overall shape with balanced angulation fore and aft. Lovely feminine head of correct shape. She was presented in fabulous coat and was handled very well. 3 Humphreys’ Riverbrue Flashbax At Henaleas.
NB (10, 2) 1 Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady. Repeat of first in puppy. 2 Jones’ Redclyst Floras Secret. Repeat of second in junior. 3 Clarke’s Covarney Dream Time.
UGB (5, 1) 1 Prangle’s Heathclare Just Fizz. A feminine bitch who presents a classic racy outline, super head long and lean, dark eye and gentle expression and low set ears. Correct arch to neck leading into correct lay of shoulder, good depth of chest, firm topline and good spring of rib. She was a little exuberant on the move to begin with and tended to be a little untidy in front but once settled moved well. 2 Douthwaite & Wharfe’s Quensha Beautiful Stranger Of Gracewood. Repeat of first in junior. 3 Pike & Macdonald’s Redclyst Glenury Oiche Chiuin.
GB (7, 2) 1 Humphreys’ Alolfrana Miss Daisy At Henaleas (AI) JW. A very elegant bitch who is balanced fore and aft. lovely head and expression, muscled neck, correct firm topline. Good body proportions with substance, moved true with drive, presented in gleaming coat and condition. 2 Robinson’s Lanstara Red Dress. Good bitch of lovely type, shape and balance. Feminine head and expression, good body proportions, just tended to dip her top line at times. Moved well, sound enough coming and going, presented in good coat and condition. 3 Bentley’s Tredura Roselyn At Penclippin.
PGB (5, 1) 1 Heather’s Sixoaks Leading Lady. Really liked this bitch and she stood out in this class. I see she is the dam of my best puppy and I can see why. Feminine in head with lovely dark expressive eyes, super muscled neck leading into good lay of shoulders, straight forelegs, firm topline, powerful hindquarters with short hocks which she used to her advantage when covering the ground. Presented in gleaming coat. 2 Evans’ Twoacres Spring Blossom. Another lovely bitch who is slightly heavier in stature to winner but still is feminine in outlook. Lovely head and expression, dark eyes and well ears, defined occiput, deep muzzle. Moderate neck and front angles, moved well. 3 Corless’ Swiftlark Second Nature.
MLB (6, 2) 1 Bell & Barker-Bell’s Balintyne Freda Payne. Lovely bitch of good breed type. Head is long and lean with low set ears and well pronounced occiput, dark eye with soft gentle expression, good chiselling beneath the eyes. Strong, slightly arched neck leading into well laid shoulder and correct return of upper arm. Deep brisket, slightly sloping top line, good spring and length of ribcage and short strong loin. Very well muscled hindquarters and developed second thigh. Happy sound steady mover who is true fore and aft and has a good length of stride in profile. 2 Edwards’ Gwendariff Its Numero Uno At Bonhomie JW. Very elegant bitch and lots to like about her, built on larger lines than winner, liked her classic head. Muscled neck, deep chest, well ribbed back, correct topline. Presented in tip top condition. 3 Jones’ Alolfrana In A Hot Storm Over Wenflaen.
LB (3) 1 Hadfield’s Covarney Estee Avec Marzanne JW. Lovely quality bitch who has a classic racy outline and is very feminine. She is totally balanced all through, beautiful feminine head of correct proportions with soft gentle expression. Good length of neck leading into excellent forequarters, well sprung ribs and strong loin. She has strength in her hindquarters, which she used on the move displaying excellent drive from behind. She was presented in a gloriously rich chestnut coat, in the challenge she pushed hard to secure her the RCC. 2 Bye’s Covarney Everlasting Love At Bluebyeyou. Pleasant bitch who has a pretty head, a little finer in muzzle to winner, lean elegant neck straight forelegs and good feet, ribs extending well back, presented in super condition. Moves well on a steady stride. 3 Corless’ Swiftlark Second Nature.
OB (4, 1) 1 Stewart-Ritchie’s Gwendariff Come Fly With Me. Top quality bitch as one would expect from this kennel. She oozes breed type and has the classic racy outline. Mature and really looking the part today, Balanced head of good proportions, raised brow and chiselling beneath the eyes, typical soft expression. Straight well boned legs and good feet. Muscled neck into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm, deep chest, excellent body proportions, with good length to her ribs and short well developed loins. Good angulation fore and aft. She was in good coat and condition and presented to advantage without being overdone. On the move her handler tended to move her too fast to begin with and she was throwing her front, a quick word to move her a little steadier and then she moved precisely with a free flowing movement and perfect footfall. A pleasure to award her the CC and BOB and to later watch her win Group 4. 2 Crocker’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Gloriana. Another quality bitch presented in glorious coat, she has a beautiful feminine head good chiselling and lovely raised brows with a super expression, lovely neck, deep chest, good bone, and muscled throughout. Just not as positive on the move as winner. 3 Danks-Kemish’s Rappatty Star Light Over Alolfrana JW ShCM.
VB (4, 1) 1 Blackshaw’s Lanstara Spring Star JW. Lovely bitch presented in excellent coat and condition. Lovely feminine head and expression, good angulation fore and aft. Gently sloping top line, powerful driving movement, happy correct tail action. 2 Gilbert’s Joanmas Perfect Lullaby. 8 year old bitch of super make and shape Lovely head and expression, just preferred the head on winner, clean neck, with well laid shoulders, good depth of rib and stifles well angulated, moved and handled well. 3 Turner’s Dazycutter Ice Maiden.

Judge Mrs J. A. Ward