Critique ISBC 2021 Bitches

I was both honoured and thrilled to be invited to judge at this prestigious breed show.

The whole committee of the ISBC should take a bow for putting on such an excellent event, both the Championship show and Open show. It was encouraging to see an enthusiastic group of Irish Setter stalwarts, rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck in to their individual tasks on the day. Their efforts, I think most would agree, created a lovely relaxed atmosphere and enjoyable day for exhibitors regardless of the placings of their dogs. Well done all. Special thanks to my excellent ring stewards – Paddy and Neville.

Thank you to everyone who entered their bitches under me and for accepting my decisions, it was much appreciated. The overall quality was good with some very competitive classes and my placings were very much based on on the day condition and performance. I always look for stylish and sound exhibits devoid of exaggeration and most of my winners fitted the bill.

My co-judge, Pat Butler-Holley and I were in full agreement for the joint awards of BIS, RBIS, BVIS and BPIS.

Minor Puppy (2,0)

  1. 1,Corless’s Swiftlark Illustrious, really lovely dark coated baby showing lots of promise. Her overall shape, head, eye and gentle expression all appealed and her condition was good, steady mover for one so young.
  2. 2,Kassube & French’s Twoacres Chocolate Delight, body proportions are good and she has good width to her hindquarters, not so settled at this stage on the move as the winner.

Puppy (6,1)

  1. 1,Pallister’s Penwyn Keeping Faith, I thought she was really lovely and is very together at this tender age. Good angulation fore and aft, good reach of neck fitting smoothly in to sloping shoulders, owns a quality feminine head and presents a super outline, just flagged when meeting the best dog puppy late on in the day, she was my Best Bitch Puppy.
  2. 2,Corless’s Swiftlark Illustrious.
  3. 3,Heather’s Sixoaks My Fair Lady

Junior (17,5) A number disappointed in poor front movement lacking forward extension.

  1. 1,Adamson-Watt & Watt’s Alolfrana Scandelous, well made girl built on the right lines, scored heavily on front and rear movement, very nice head, eye & finish to foreface, balanced throughout, just right for her age.
  2. 2,Allen, Bott & Morgan’s Quensha Crimes of Passion, different type and smaller in stature, very good head and expression, well-proportioned body, wide hindquarters, correct tailset, moved well.
  3. 3,Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight

Yearling (7,1) Strong class

  1. 1,Williamson’s Bluesprings A Kind of Magic At Keljaru, loved her type and balance, rugged hindquarters, true in front, muscular neck, deep brisket and well sprung ribs, all topped off with a beautiful head with correct skull shape, kind eye and outlook.
  2. 2,Sturrock’s Forfarian Tickles Yer Fancy, close up, another quality girl with lots going for her including her overall shape, dark eye below raised brows, low set ears, straight in front and strong back end and correctly set tail. Moved really well.
  3. 3,Humphreys’s Riverbrue Flashbax At Henaleas, completed a lovely trio.

Maiden (12, 1)

  1. 1,Bouttell’s Ixia Snow Vixen, 4th in the excellent Yearling class, very dark coated girl, eye-catching with a lovely topline, everything in proportion, deep chest, correct layback of shoulder, feminine head, went well.
  2. 2,Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight, 3rd in Junior, shown in the best of condition, lovely rich colour, nice overall conformation, strong back end, just preferred the winner’s eye and expression.
  3. 3,Bott’s Bardonhill Woven in Gold

Novice (15,2)

  1. 1,Bouttell’s Ixia Snow Vixen
  2. 2,Jones’s Alolfrana in A Hot Storm Over Wenflaen, quite a substantial bitch, fully mature, overall shape is good, wide and rugged hindquarters, coat a little unruly, pleasant headpiece, well set on tail, moved well enough.
  3. 3,Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight

Undergraduate (2,0)

  1. 1,Mitchell’s Strathmead Tatiana With Amblin, elegant young lady, pleased with her overall construction, wide hindquarters, deep chest and decent spring of rib, pleasing expression with low set ears.
  2. 2,Adams’s Harreds Sophie At Danbryeli, more substantial and more mature than the winner, liked her head shape and expression and she is a nice type, however she was overweight which did not help on the move.

Graduate (16,0) A really good class.

  1. 1,Williamson’s Bluesprings Sunday Girl, Just loved her for type, devoid of any exaggeration, beautifully balanced, correct skull, stop and finish to foreface, dark eye, strong through the body, wide, powerful hindquarters, sound on the move, did just enough to hold off second.
  2. 2,Swainston’s Glenvarna Santa Barbara, just pipped by the winner but could change places on another occasion, beautiful head on this girl with a soft, gentle and feminine expression, correct arched neck setting cleanly into her shoulders, balanced throughout, moved with style.
  3. 3,Muir’s Gwendariff’s Up To Something.

Post Graduate (14,2)

  1. 1,Bott’s Bardonhill Love Of My Life, high quality exhibit presented in lovely condition and bloom, medium size, everything in proportion, rich coat colour, the best of Irish heads with dark eye and raised eyebrows producing a soft expression, sound hindquarters and lovely topline.
  2. 2,Richardson’s Brabrook True Violet For Montgreenan, JW, slightly different type, thought that she moved extremely well with style and soundness showing good reach and drive, pleasant head and outlook, excellent body properties showing sufficient spring of rib, well turned stifles and hocks, close up.
  3. 3,Bougen’s Gwendariff Hot Ticket, JW.

Mid Limit (3,2)

  1. 1,Ciechonska’s Gwendariff Smart Move Back To Aoibheanne, lovely 3 year old girl now approaching her best, owns a super head with lots of work in it, true front, deep chest, arched neck fitting cleanly in to well laid back shoulders, well angulated stifles and hocks, correct tailset all producing a pleasing overall picture.

Limit (8,0)

  1. 1,Elkins’s Twoacres Promise of Spring With Avacet, top quality, mature girl turned out in super coat and condition. She is so well put together and owns a super physique, well ribbed back, wide thighs which are well muscled, correct front and sloping shoulders, nice tight feet and arched neck. To crown it all she has a delicious, head with raised brows, kind eye and correct finish to the foreface. Her topline is excellent and movement sound viewed from all angles. Delighted to award her the Reserve CC.
  2. 2,Bouttell & Burbridge’s Ixia Rainbrow Bright, another high quality exhibit and close up to the winner, slightly finer make and shape all through, but pleased in most aspects from her sculpted head to her well set on and carried tail. She owns a rich dark coat, is very well balanced and moved with style.
  3. 3,Nevitt’s Aoibheanne’s Stay Wth Me,

Open (4,0)

1.Allen, Bott & Morgan’s Sh Ch Quensha Tumble And Twirl, JW, really worthy champion with lots to like, in particular her headpiece with oval skull, raised brows, expressive dark eyes and correct finish to foreface. Her hindquarters are wide and powerful and her well set on tail is used incessantly on the move. She was presented in excellent order.

2. Danks-Kemish’s Rappaty Star Light Over Alolfrana, JW, Sh cm, rangier all through than the winner and quite glamorous, very pleasing head, eye and soft expression, deep chest, shown in full coat, moved with animation but just preferred the winner’s front movement.

3. Sterritt’s Ir Sh Ch Coranroo Just One Kiss With Riversett, Cjw18 Jun.

Veteran (9,3)

1,Sturrock’s Sh Ch Forfarian Hey Sexy Lady, JW, glorious champion bitch who seems to me to improve with age. She is so well put together with everything in proportion from the tip of her super head to the tip of her tail. She has a true front and great width to her well angulated hindquarters. She presents a totally balanced unexaggerated picture standing, but when she takes off, she really comes in to her own. Her movement going, coming and when viewed in profile is co-ordinated and powerful, using her tail and is as good as you will see in our breed. I was pleased to award her the CC and with Pat’s full agreement Best in Show pipping a really nice dog.

2,Box’s Bardonhill Afternoon D’light At Fernstart, old favourite of mine and still a bit of a handful for her owner, tuned out in lovely condition and carrying the right amount of weight, pleasant head with kind, expressive eyes, balanced all through creating a nice overall picture.

3,Blackshaw’s Lanstara Spring Star, JW

Special Beginners (4,3)

  1. 1,Robinson’s Lanstara Red Dress, a bitch I liked in the strong Graduate class, she has a nice overall shape, true front, pleasant head and outlook, low set ears, good tailset and is a happy mover.

Alister Watt (Judge)