First and foremost I would like to thank Leeds Committee for inviting me to judge Irish Setters for the first time at this level. I would also like to thank my two stewards for helping me keep the ring running smoothly; again a thank you to the exhibitors for their support and good sportsmanship.
MPD (3) 1 Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible. Well balanced youngster, good head with kind eye and low set ears. Good coat, moved well for one so young. 2 Lee’s Danwish Danehill. Preferred head on one. And very unsettled on the stack and move. Very hard to assess. 3 Humphreys’ Swiftlark Incognito.
PD (5) 1 Stewart-Ritchie’s Nobleton Poblano Of Gwendariff. Correct head and eye, raised brow and kind expression, well balanced all through, clean neck into good lay of shoulders. Well let down hocks, moved well. 2 Richardson’s Gwendariff Tullys Red Arrows. Preferred head on one. Needs to grow into himself. 3 Danks-Kemish’s Wenflaen Lets Get Serious For Alolfrana.
JD (4) 1 Allen, Bott & Morgan’s Quensha Take A Bow. Preferred head on one, good length to arched neck. Nice depth of chest, ribs well sprung and well back. Well muscled hindquarters and bend of stifle, well let down hocks. Free flowing movement should have a bright future. Good use of tail. 2 Hemmings’ Orlanset Mandolin. Preferred body and shoulders on one. Little more angulated than one. 3 Miller’s Shudorared Amor Dillon.
YD (7) 1 Crocker’s Riverbrue Morning Glory. Balanced head and kind eye, neck of good length, clean and well muscled. Shoulders sloping well back. Front legs well under straight and well boned. Well bent stifle. Moderate angulation. Nice short hocks. Free flowing movement. 2 Crocker & Lewis’ Riverbrue Wonderwall At Hernwood. Brother to one, just preferred shoulders on one. 3 Hemmings’ Orlanset Mandolin.
GD (9) 1 Gardner’s Quensha Walk Me Home To Danwish. Lovely head and reach of neck into well laid back shoulders. Front legs well under. Straight with good bone. Chest deep and well sprung ribs reaching well back. Would have liked more strength in quarters. 2 Holehan’s Loganrish Lets Go Crazy. Preferred coat on this one. Just a little longer in hocks, which showed in his movement. 3 Walker’s Gwendariff’s Flags Are Flyin.
PGD (9) 1 Edwards & Boyd-McNeil’s Gwendariff Beam Me Up Scotty. Lovely balanced dog. Good head, eye and nose colour. Nothing overdone about him. Good coat and tail carriage. Moved with drive. RCC. 2 Swainston’s Glenvarna Monterey JW. Just preferred neck on one. Not as balanced as one. 3 Stewart-Ritchie & Longbottom’s Gwendariff Smart Red Jacket JW.
LD (11, 3) 1 Dewar’s Gwendariff Here I Come. Balanced head with a kind eye. Ears set on low, close to head. Neck clean and well muscled into well laid shoulders. Well balanced throughout. Coat of good colour, used his tail well. 2 Dewar’s Gwendariff Willy Wont He. Just preferred neck on one, but the same qualities apply. 3 Edwards’ Gwendariff Ucan’tmissme Bonhomie.
OD (7, 1) 1 Stockton’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Amidst Kespas JW. Just my cup of tea, nothing over exaggerated about this boy. Stunning head, long and lean, well defined occipital bone. Good eye and nose colour. Ears set low and well back close to head giving a kind expression, moderately and well muscled neck. Shoulders deep and well back, forelegs strong, straight and well under, deep chest and ribbing well back, powerful hind legs, well bent stifle. Hocks well let down. Moved with reach and drive. Pleased to award him DCC.BOB. Group 2. 2 Alcorn & Ingram’s Gwendariffs Red Light Show Farnfield. Loved this dog’s head. Long and lean, well defined occipital bone. Just preferred length of neck of one. And rear quarters. 3 Lucas & Lucas’ Sh Ch Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW.
VD (5) 1 Stevens’ Follybrook Millenuim Star. 7 years old, well balanced dog of good breed type. 2 Rowbottom & Rowbottom’s Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Monn. Seven and a half year’s old, preferred coat to one. A little more angulation behind. 3 Foster & Walsh’s Millcroft Chase The Moon To Shanoah.
SBD/B (6) 1 Walker’s Gwendariff’s Flags Are Flyin. Loved his body and movement. Just felt his head a little heavy for the breed. 2 Shepherd’s Glenvarna Cover Girl. 15 months old bitch well put together just needs to mature in coat and head. 3 Davison’s Bardonhill You Don’t Fool Me.
MPB (2, 1) 1 Corless’ Swiftlark Illustrious.Pretty baby just 6 months everything in the right place again needs to mature moved well for a youngster.
PB (6, 1) 1 Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight. These two could change places on different days, Good head and kind eye. Well balanced front and rear. Moved well. BPIB. 2 Stewart-Ritchie’s Gwendariff Hold The Front Page. Just preferred head on one today. With time that should change. 3 Stewart-Ritchie’s Gwendariff The Happy Hooker.
JB (11) 1 Stewart-Ritchie & Longbottom’s Gwendariff We’ll Be Phame Us (Ire). Head long and lean, well defined occipital bone. Ears set low close to head. Good eye and nose colour with kind expression. Moderate well muscled neck, shoulders well laid back, moderation all through. Looked a picture on the stack and move. 2 Douthwaite & Wharfe’s Quensha Beautiful Stranger Of Gracewood. Loved this bitch, same attributes as one but not as settled as one. But I’m sure she will with time. 3 Milligan-Bott & Bott’s Thendara Strictly Samba.
YB (4) 1 Frampton & Piggin’s Riverbrue Cloudburst Over Strathmead.Loved her from nose to tail. Nothing overdone everything in the right place. Free flowing with true action coming and going. Coat flat and of good colour. Good use of tail. RBCC. 2 Sturrock, Sturrock & Sturrock’s Forfarian Tickles Yer Fancy. Preferred the balance of one. Moved well. 3 Watt’s Shenanagin Half A Sixpence.
GB (10, 2) 1 Holehan’s Loganrish Diamonds N’pearls. Good head and eye, well balanced throughout. Good topline, out moved the rest, good use of tail. 2 Kassube’s Twoacres Fantasy. Preferred neck on one. A little longer in body than one, but rest good. 3 Muir’s Gwendariff’s Up To Something.
PGB (6, 2) 1 Edwards’ Gwendariff Its Numero Uno At Bonhomie JW. Excelled on the move, balanced head with good chiselling under, kind eyes. Correct topline, good use of tail. Has substance without being over done in anyway. 2 Nicolson & Nicolson’s Gwendariff Just The Ticket For Lochindorb. Just preferred neck and topline on one. Moved well. 3 Green’s Braidmount Dreamed A Dream For Glencarron.
LB (3, 1) 1 Bougen’s Gwendariff Lily The Pink. I liked her for type, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, good depth throughout. Strong quarters and bend of stifle. Well let down hocks. Moved well. 2 Hinslea & Hinslea’s Gwendariff Guess Who’s Coming To Northamber JW. Good head and eye. Just preferred bend of stifle on one.
OB (4) 1 Danks-Kemish’s Rappatty Star Light Over Alolfrana JW ShCM. Of good breed type balanced head with kind eye. Well muscled neck into well laid back shoulders. Front legs well under, good depth to body moved well. Correct topline, good use of tail. 2 Nicolson & Nicolson’s Gwendariff Rainbow Goddess At Lochindorb. Nothing much between these two, just preferred head on one. 3 Jones’ Gwendariff Nutmeg ShCM.
VB (2) 1 Sturrock, Sturrock & Sturrock’s Sh Ch Forfarian Hey Sexy Lady JW. I have done this bitch well before and she still did not disappoint, Loved her for breed type. Well balanced head with dark kind eyes. Stacked a most balanced picture. Nothing overdone no exaggeration. Good muscular condition which enabled her to move effortlessly. At one with her handler.BCC, BOS, BV, VG4. 2 Begg’s Sh Ch Thendara Chasing Boys To Sumaric. Another quality bitch of good breed type. balanced head ample bone and well put together with substance.
Judge Mrs L S Trow