Saturday 11th December 2021
Judge Ro Cox
Thank you so much to the LKA Committee for their invitation to judge, I was extremely humbled at the lovely entry. A huge thank you to my wonderful stewards Jackie and Rosie Honey who kept everything running smoothly all day.
I’d have loved to have seen better feet on many exhibits and I did find some of the dogs on the lean side and lacking in substance. The flooring caused an issue for some dogs which was such a shame but these things can happen. I was a little concerned at some of the movement of dogs particularly in the lower classes, maybe in part down to the flooring or lack of muscle tone but also in part to construction and weakness through the stifle/hock/rear pastern. Happily, my principle winners looked a picture and moved out with style showing off our beautiful breed at its best.
MPD – (6/3)
- Danks-Kemish’s Copper’s Welcome To The Party At Alofrana : just six months but couldn’t deny him the class and BPIB – beautifully balanced and moved with much style and confidence for one so young complete with a lashing tail. Handsome head with the right amount of Irish mischief in his eyes. Good length of neck set well into shoulders, good forechest, not overdone behind presenting a balanced picture stood. Has plenty of time to come into himself, will watch his progress with interest.
- Kniveton’s Alofrana May King A Scene For Orstone : another youngster confident on the move, rangier than 1 and not as well ribbed back but good topline which he maintained on a good steady stride on good feet. Balanced head with soft expression.
- Condron’s Covarney Moolah
PD – (4/1)
- Greenan & Hopewell’s Lochlorien No Offence Juleset : 9 month old, well off for bone, good well proportioned head, strong throughout and well ribbed back. Good front and forechest with good depth of rib for a baby, I would have liked just a little more angulation behind to finish the picture but he has time to drop into himself, moved with a steady stride.
- Needs’ Corvarney It Takes Time : 10 months and a little leaner than 1 and going through the puppy growth phase. Good length of upper arm, masculine head with kind appealing expression, presented well, moved ok.
- Corless’ Swiftlark Invincible
JD – (4/1)
- Murray’s Bluebyeyou Love Affair At Derrydore : 16 months, loved his typical Irish head with naturally raised eyebrows, low set ears and gentle expression. Strong neck through to good shoulders and forechest, chest well dropped down for a youngster. A little untidy on the move today – quite a few dogs not enjoying the flooring.
- Pullen & Atkin’s Corvarney Pickpocket At Jacingail : strong through neck and shoulders, pleasant head, lovely low set ears, rich dark coat, gently sloping topline, neat feet, not over done behind creating a good picture standing. Movement a little erratic today,
- Pike’s Redclyst The Celt
YD – (7/2)
- Crocker & Lewis’ Riverbrue Wonderwall At Hernwood : beautifully presented young man, strong masculine head and naturally raised eyebrows, won the class on his movement, he covered the ground with nice even strides. Well balanced height to length ratio, strong neck, good depth of chest and well muscled thigh.
- Hemmings’ Orlanset Mandolin : not as mature in body as 1, lovely head with melting expression, neat feet something lacking in many today, not in the best coat today but showed off a balanced body. Good width over croup. Moved out ok, another finding the floor slippy when striding out from behind.
- Milligan-Bott & Bott’s Thendara Tiger Dance
GD – (15/6)
- Cohen’s Lynwood Merry May King With Shushana : smaller more moderate dog than 2, well proportioned, beautiful classic head with quizzical expression, strong neck, well laid back shoulders with good depth of chest. Well muscled and won the class on his movement, really sound and steady long strides.
- Harris & Hoeksema’s Blazing Bronze Happy Clappy Sings Konakakela JW (Imp Nld) : a rangier dog, good head, kind eye, good forechest and well let down and ribbed back. Pleasing outline. Could have done with a bit more muscle tone but moved out well once he settled.
- Webb & Danks-Kemish’s Alofrana Azzaro Beside Redeshka
PGD – (18/6)
- Hemmings’ Orlanset A New Flame : a well proportioned dog with enough substance to show off as he powered around the ring. Lovely head and expression, strong neck into well laid back shoulders, good depth of body. Well muscled and short hock to heel allowing him to drive on the move.
- Bailey’s Danaway Desert Song : smaller throughout than 1 but all in proportion with flowing lines. Beautiful classic head, low set ears, good forechest, good length and well ribbed back , strong in loin, moved out well on an easy steady stride.
- Foster’s Goldnavark Endurance At Shanoah
LD – (11/1)
- Russell’s Lynwood Hocus Pocus At Settesoli JW : this striking dog headed a very strong class but took my eye from the beginning. In his prime he oozes Irish quality. Beautiful head with melting Irish expression, well balanced front to back and moderate throughout, your hands just flow over him. Good depth of chest and excellent heart room, well muscled rear assembly, well angulated hindquarters and strong through hock to heel. Shown and presented in fantastic condition, he moved out with style and verve and I couldn’t deny him top honours and ultimately BOB. I am sure he will get made up soon.
- Greenan’s Anlory Aidan JW : one I’ve done well before and he didn’t disappoint, he was totally sound on the move driving well off short hocks but just didn’t quite have the panache of 1 today. Naturally raised eyebrows give him the lovely quizzical Irish look, moderate and well balanced throughout he presented a classic picture just unlucky to meet 1 on such good form.
- Muir’s Gwendariff I’m Coming Out JW
OD – (7/0)
Another lovely class where I was spoilt for choice.
- Stockton’s Sh Ch Riverbrue Alchemist Admist Kespas JW : what a pleasure to go over this dog, when you get your hands on him you can see why he’s been such an ambassador for the breed. Well balanced head, strong through neck and shoulders, good depth of chest and strong through gently sloping back. He maintained his topline on the move and was handled perfectly around the the ring striding out with style. Delighted to award him a well deserved RCC.
- Lauwers’ Int Ch Multi Ch Oakdene Que Du Bonheur : this boy pushed 1 hard. Presented beautifully in top condition, lovely melting expression. Good through front, well sprung rib and deep in brisket. Strong bone, clean over shoulders, firm topline. He covered the ground well with easy strides off strong rear quarters.
- Edwards’ Sh Ch Gwendariff Ucan’tmissme Bonhomie
VD – (4/2)
- Edwards’ Gwendariff PS I love You JW : what an elegant profile this 7 year old boy presents, A hint of distinguishing grey on his head but still has that hint of Irish mischief in his eyes. Beautifully presented, good through neck shoulders, ample forechest and well proportioned body. He loved to show off on the move with a confident stride just slightly showing his age in the challenge. BVIB
- Foster’s Millcroft Chase The Moon To Shanoah : balanced head, kind eye, rich dark coat, not as rangy as 1, good forechest, at 9 1/2 he was giving it away in age but loving his day out moving out enthusiastically with good tail action.
MPB – (9/3)
- Bouttell’s Sangarah Memorial For Ixia (Imp) : what a little poppet of 7 months, so nicely put together, mischievous expression, prettiest of heads, moderate neck into well laid back shoulders, good front and well ribbed back, and lovely outline. Strong rear allowing her to stride out on the move, one to watch ! BPB
- Parker & Stevens’ Gwendariff Pink Champagne : another nicely put together promising puppy, a little longer in body, good rib cage, moderately angulated. Pretty feminine well shaped head, neat feet and strode out well with a lovely balanced stride for 8 months.
- Hall’s Glennara Cherry Cola
PB – (11/0)
- Bouttell’s Sangarah Memorial For Ixia (Imp)
- Hadfield’s Covarney Time After Time For Marzanne : 10 months old, standing over more ground than 1, chest well let down for a youngster, preferred the head of 1, low set ears, strong bone, good width over croup, moved out steadily and used her tail well.
- Hall’s Glennara Cherry Cola
JB – (9/3)
- Box’s Fernstart Hearts Delight JW : what a lovely mischievous Irish this young girl is, so full of quality. Pretty well balanced head, good substance throughout and well proportioned body. Balanced angulation front and back, good width of second thigh. Moved out with confidence and style on tight neat feet, just enjoyed herself too much in the challenge.
- Condron’s Bluebyeyou Baby Love By Covarney : lovely outline just not in the condition of 1, good head with naturally raised eyebrows, strong through neck and well laid back shoulders, good return of upper arm, gently sloping top line to well balanced rear assembly. Moved out well.
- Hadfield’s Covarney Time After Time For Marzanne
YB – (6/1)
- Frampton & Piggin’s Riverbrue Cloudburst Over Strathmead : such a lovely soft expression on this girl, elegant outline, well balanced, rich dark coat, good depth of chest and strong through loin. Combines substance with femininity. Moved well but was slipping a bit on the floor to get true driving movement.
- Adamson-Watt’s Alofrana Scandalous : a racier bitch, well ribbed back and strong through rear, good over croup, expressive eyes and appealing head, lovely over shoulders, moved out well with a steady stride maintaining her topline.
- Milligan-Bott & Bott’s Thendara Strictly Samba
GB – (14/5)
- Catling’s Quensha Family Portrait For Teleri : well made feminine bitch, rich dark coat, pretty expressive head, good length of neck, good angulation front and rear, well laid back shoulders, good tail set and width to second thigh. Balanced on the move and covered the ground well with confidence.
- Bridgewater & Green’s Bridgella’s Don’t Push It : leaner than 1, but well ribbed back and good depth to chest. Not as clean through neck and shoulders as 1. Good length to muzzle, kind eye and low set ears. Good bend of stifle and short rear pasterns. Moved out soundly.
- Williamson’s Bluesprings Sunday Girl
PGB – (13/7)
- Kennedy-Sloane Twoacres Destiny : won the class on her movement, nicely put together, pretty soft expression, lovely flow from neck over shoulders, well sprung rib and deep in brisket, balanced profile with strong rear assembly. Moved well around the ring with precision.
- Heather’s Sixoaks Leading Lady : well muscled bitch with lovely Irish quizzical expression, good forechest and depth to chest, slightly longer in loin than 1, balanced and clean in profile, moved confidently and soundly.
- Millington’s Lanstara Scarlet Ribbons For Pennybourne
LB – (11/3)
- Bouttell & Burbridge’s Ixia Rainbow Brite : loved this lady shown in top condition. Hands flowed easily over her from head to tail. Pretty feminine head, naturally raised eyebrows that give her the expression that truly looks at you. Balanced standing and on the move. Good depth to chest and well defined forechest, excelled on rear angulation, not overdone and strong through hindquarters with good width of thighs. Powerful driving movement meant I was more than happy to award her the BCC.
- Edwards’ Gwendariff Its Numero Uno At Bonhomie JW : another well made bitch, racier than 1 but balanced in profile. Correct front angulation with ample heart room. Well proportioned body and strong rear. Moved out well, just not enough to beat 1 who was on top form.
- Muir’s Gwendariff’s Up To Somethin
OB – (7/4)
- Danks-Kemish’s Rappatty Star Light Over Alofrana JW ShCM : striking bitch shown in full coat, balanced head with low set ears. Moderate length to neck flowing into well laid back shoulders. Good depth of chest and well ribbed back into strong loin. Moderate length of stifle meant she could drive freely around the ring with style. Well deserved the RCC
- Catling’s Sh Ch Teleri Indian Summer JW : a worthy champion, well put together bitch, pretty melting Irish expression, moderate throughout, flows over neck and clean shoulders. Well developed in rib and depth. Good width of first and second thigh just slipping on the flooring a little to be able to truly show off her movement today.
- Stevenson’s Lochlorien True Detective Is Andley
VB – (3/1)
- Blackshaw’s Lanstara Spring Star JW : 7yr old pretty girl not showing her age except for a hint of a sugar face appearing on her feminine head. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Compact with enough length to present a balanced picture standing. Moved out well on good feet but couldn’t match the dog for BV.
- Brown’s Baystrider Bluebell : another 7 year old, looking a little untidy today, shorter in neck than 1 and not moving out well on the flooring. Correct body length, pretty expressive head and dark eyes.