The North East of England Irish Setter Club.

Championship Show Oct 20th 2018


I would like to thank the committee of the NEEISC for inviting me to judge their Breed Club Championship Show at their new venue. Thanks also go to my two stewards for handling the ring duties but feel i must apologise for the lack of feedback from them regarding exhibitors also showing in the open show and clashing with the championship one. Exhibits on the whole were presented in good condition clean condition and trimmed to perfection.

Finally and most of all I would like to thank all the exhibitors for their entry, sportsmanship,  and giving me the opportunity to go over their beautiful dogs which provided me with an entry of quality dogs it was truly humbling.

At the end of the day and In complete agreement with my co-judge we awarded:-

BIS to ShCh & Ir ShCh Gwendariff Nuts About Glenavna JW.

RBIS to Gwendariff Unknown Soldier JW

BPIS to Gwendariff U’Cant MissMe Bonhomie

BVIS to ShCh Int ShCh Fairhaven Louise Mountbatten At Braidmount

MPB. (5,1a) – 1.Blackshaw`s –Lanstara Ruby Slippers. Promising 7-Mths lovely balanced youngster with a striking outline and nice soft expression in head with plenty of work to it. Good reach of neck, well laid back in shoulder providing good front angulation, nice tight feet,  nice depth to chest with spring to rib ,gently sloping in topline, well angulated rear quarters, moved out very well  with reach and drive for one so young, presented and handled very well BP. 2. Stewart & Jones–Gwendariff Gooseberry Fool. Another promising bitch,  Nice in head with correct proportions, Well boned, shown in rich  coat. Good front assembly with nice tight arched feet, nice lay back to shoulder, good reach of neck, nice depth to chest, gently sloping in topline, strong in rear quarters with good bend to stifle joint, moved well, presented in good condition. Just preferred the frame of 1 at this stage-3. Kassube & Womack’s – Twoacres Fantasy 

PB (3,2a).- 1. Barkers`s –Danaway Tilly At Flinthill . Placed VHC in MP.Lovely well defined head of correct proportion, nice reach of neck, good front angulation,  nice depth to chest, rear quarters strong with good rear angulation. Moved very well. This bitch deserved better in earlier class but for me the handler needs to concentrate more on standing this dog correctly to show off  its virtues to the full.

VB (3,0a) – 1. Hunter & Brown’s  -ShCh.Int Ch Fairhaven Louise Mountbatten At Braidmount ,  A  dog I have previously given top awards to and looking well in her 8th-yr. A well boned dog, well balanced, lovely chiselled head with correct planes, neck of moderate length, shoulders well laid back giving good front angulation, good depth of chest with well sprung rib cage, wide and strong in rear with good muscle,moved with drive holding her topline. Again presented in good coat & condition. BV and later to my delight BVIS with my co-judges agreement.

2. Stevenson`s –Lochlorien Prime Suspect For Andley JW ShCm , A lovely well boned and balanced bitch complete with a rich chestnut coat. She has a nice chiselled head with raised brow and dark eye, good reach of neck, nice layback of shoulder, good front angulation,deep in chest and well sprung in rib, gently sloping in topline to tailset, good bend to stifle joint, wide and well muscled in rear,moved well enjoying her day in the ring, presented and handled immaculately, but just preferred the overall balance and elegance of 1. today. – 3. Cayton-Lee`s –Rubratinneh Matoaka,

JB(11,2a)- 1. Hunter & Brown’s – Braidmount In My Life. A lovely refined well balanced bitch with a super head. Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, nice tight feet, good depth to chest with spring to ribs, gently sloping in topline to a good set on of tail, strong and wide in rear quarters with correct angulation,moved well around the ring with enthusiasm. presented in immaculate condition and handled to perfection. –2. Sharman’s – Kerrimere Red Ribbon. Very close-up to 1 but I preferred the overall raciness of my winner today,Again a very well balanced bitch with lots to like about her, nice head with dark eye, raised brow and soft expression, good reach to neck, correct front assembly, good depth to chest , nice gently sloping topline, strong and wide with good angulation in rear quarters, moved out well, presented in gleaming coat.  3. Heather’s – Sixoaks Leading Lady.

YB(5,0a) – 1. Bayne’s – Corranroo Catch A Kiss. A well balanced bitch with a striking out-line in the stack, soft feminine expression in head with plenty of work to it. Nice reach of neck, well laid back in shoulder providing good front angulation, nice tight feet, good depth to chest, gently sloping in topline to strong well angulated rear quarters, moved out very good with reach and drive, presented in immaculate condition and handled very well.2.– Gardner’s – Danwish Nessarose. Well boned bitch with rich dark coat. Good front assembly with nice tight arched feet, nice lay back to shoulder, good reach of neck, nice depth to chest, gently sloping in topline, strong in rear quarters with good bend to stifle joint, moved out well, presented in good condition, just preferred the elegance of 1. –3.  Heather’s – Sixoaks Leading Lady.

MB.(6,2a) – 1.Gawn`s –Clonageera Sweet Caroline A lovely well balanced bitch stood to perfection complete with a rich chestnut coat. She has a nice well chiselled head with raised brow and dark eye, good reach of neck, nice layback of shoulder, good front angulation,deep in chest and well sprung in rib, gently sloping in topline to tailset, good bend to stifle joint, wide and well muscled in rear, moved effortlessly around the ring. –2. Nicholson’s –Gwendariff Just The Ticket For Lochindorb. Pleasing in outline, well balanced, in conformation and of the correct proportions, good front assembly, deep in chest, gently sloping in topline which she held on the move.I just preferred the overall merits of my winner. –3. Green’s – Braidmount Dreamed A Dream For Glencarron.

NB.(8,2a) – 1. Sharman’s – Kerrimere Red Ribbon –2. Cayton-Lee`s –Rubratinneh Sisika. Well boned bitch. Good front assembly, nice lay back to shoulder, good reach of neck, good depth to chest, well sprung in rib,gently sloping in topline, strong in rear quarters with good bend to stifle joint, moved out well, presented in good full coat. –3. Gawn`s –Clonageera Sweet Caroline. 

UGB(2,0a) – 1. Wilson’s – Pawsword Promise. A lovely racy bitch, She has a sweet expression from a well chiselled head with raised brow and dark eye, good reach of neck, nice layback of shoulder, good front angulation,deep in chest and well sprung in rib, gently sloping in topline to tailset, good bend to stifle joint, wide and well muscled in rear, moved well, presented and handled to advantage. –2. Davie’s – Lochfrae Nina Simone. Pleasing in head with soft expression,Well boned with rich dark coat. Good front assembly with nice tight arched feet, nice lay back to shoulder, good reach of neck, nice depth to chest, gently sloping in topline, strong in rear quarters with good bend to stifle joint, moved out well, presented in good condition, just preferred raciness of 1.

GB(4,0a) – 1. Bridgwater’s – Blazing Bronze Eye Candy. Another lovely well balanced bitch stood to perfection complete with a rich chestnut coat. She has a nice feminine head with plenty of work, raised brow with dark eye, good reach of neck, nice layback of shoulder, correct front angulation,deep in chest and well sprung in rib,  top-line to tail-set was gentle slope as required, good bend to stifle joint, well muscled in rear, strode out with enthusiasm with her runner, presented and handled well. –2. McDonalds – Delsanto Miss Freya . Striking in outline when stacked,Nice work  in head with correct proportions, good layback of shoulder, deep in chest with good spring of rib, strong in rear, moved out well. –3. Hinslea’s- Gwendariff Guess Who’s Comin To Northamber JW

PGB.(11,0a) –1. Nicholson’s – Gwendariff  Rainbow Goddess At Lochindorb. She has a classic head, soft and gentle expression and nice dark eye. Nice low set ears, good reach of neck setting nice into her  well placed shoulders, well angulated in forequarters and tight cat like feet, good depth to chest with spring to rib, gently sloping in topline to correct tailset, strong and wide rear quarters with good angulation, moved with drive and purpose around the ring holding her top-line, presented and handled to a tee   –2. Gardner’s – Tiroen Tear Drop Explodes Danwish. Clean in outline and shown in full coat, Head of correct proportions with kind expression, Good reach of neck, nicely laid back shoulder and correct length to upper arm giving correct angulation, good depth to chest, gently sloping topline, wide and strong in rear, moved well. –3. Chorley-Newton & Flanders’s- Bardonhill Endless Love To Kerryfair

MLB.(5,0a)-1. Bott,Allen, & Morgan’s- Quensha Tumble And Twirl JW. Well balanced bitch. Nice well chiselled head of correct proportion with raised brow and dark eye, good reach of neck, shoulders well layed back, correct front angulation, nice spring to rib when viewed from the front, gently sloping in topline, strong in rear with correct angulation, moved out with drive .-2.Nevitt’s- Aoibheanne’s Stay With Me Another lovely lady but unlucky to meet -1 today. She has a lovely balanced head with dark eye and sweet expression, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, good depth to chest,correct front and rear angulation,moved well around the ring, and stood to perfection in the stack-3. Stevenson’s- Lochlorien True Detective Is Andley.

LB.(6,1a)-1. Box’s- Bardonhill After noon D’Lite  At Fernstart. One that I have admired from a puppy. She is an elegant and racy bitch who commands attention stood amongst the best of company. She has a well chiselled feminine head with a dark eye and raised brow giving a soft expression, moderate length of neck flowing into his correctly placed shoulders, sound in front, good depth to chest and spring in rib, gently sloping in topline, strong in rear with correct angulation, moved well around the ring . Presented in immaculate condition and handled to the best advantage.Considered for the rcc .-2.Bayne’s- Corranroo Rainbow Kisses. Slightly heavier in frame than -1. Well boned balanced bitch, head of correct proportions with soft kind expression, good reach of neck set into well placed shoulders, well sprung in rib cage and deep in chest, correct front angulation and well angulated rear quarters, moved around the ring with reach and drive, again presented in immaculate condition and handled very well.-3. Stevenson’s- Lochlorien Scully Foxes Andley ShCm.

 OB.(8,0a) The most difficult class of the day for me.Full of top quality both in conformation and movement. Very hard decisions had to be made and I thank you for your sportsmanship with the decisions I made. It was truly an honour.

  1. Begg,Milligan-Bott & Bott’s – Thendara Chasing Boys To Sumaric. Outstanding bitch of quality from this kennel. She has the most impressive outline from the first viewing in the stack and did not disappoint when i went over her, the most beautiful head with plenty of work in it with raised brow, dark eye and melting expression, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders giving her correct front angulation, nice trimmed cat like tight feet, good depth to chest with barrelled rib cage, gently sloping in top-line to tail-set, strong well muscled rear quarters with good un-exaggerated angulation, moved with reach and drive around the ring, presented, handled, and trimmed to perfection, pleased to award her that 3rd CC Well done. –2. Armitage’s – Sh Ch Gwendariff Coconut Cream. I have said this before in my past critiques about this breeder but this is another lovely outstanding dog and representative of all the good points in our breed. Stunning in outline and presented in tip top condition groomed to perfection as always . She is similar in make-up of my winner and has a head of good proportions and soft expression, good reach of neck, correct shoulder placement, deep in chest with good spring of rib, gently sloping in topline with good tailset, strong and wide in rear quarters, shown in full coat and presented immaculately she moved around the ring with reach and drive. just preferred the head of my winner, pleased to award her RCC -3. Bott,Allen, & Morgan’s – Sh Ch Bardonhill Please Don’t Tease Quensha JW.

Beginners Bitch. (1,0a) .

  1. Cayton-Lee`s –Rubratinneh Matoaka, Stood alone. Presented in good coat and condition. Sound in front and rear, moved well.

