South Of England Irish Setter Club Open Show

Sunday 26th January 2020

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

I would like to thank this hard working committee for inviting me to judge at this well run and friendly show. We have a lovely big hall at Wincanton, great to have a big ring for the dogs to be able to show themselves off. A huge ‘Thank You’ to the exhibitors for allowing me the pleasure of judging their fabulous dogs and sporting acceptance of the placings, all making for a very pleasant atmosphere.

70 Dogs – 96 Entries, 7 dogs absent on the day

Best In Show – Mrs Pym                –              Thendara The Watchmaker

Reserve Best In Show – Mrs Catling          –              Teleri Indian Summer JW (AI)

Best Puppy In Show – Mrs Catling                 –         Quensha Family Portrait For Teleri

Best Veteran In Show – Mrs Mitchell        –              Sh Ch Amblin’s Sweet William 

Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)

  1. Henderson & Szwajkowski                –              Redclyst Pasha

A very raw but pleasing 8 month old dog. He has a balanced head, with a good length to the foreface, dark kind eye, to give a kind expression. Long neck flowing well into a well held topline, croup a little steep. Nicely boned with good depth for his age. Well angulated hindquarters. A little erratic on the move at this stage

Puppy Dog (5,0)

  1. Mr & Mrs Nicholls                –              Strathmead Alexei

Liked the overall balance of this 9 month old. An impressive puppy, showing lots of character. Lovely lean head, dark well shaped eye, with clean cut flews. For his age he is well bodied, showing depth to the ribs and well sprung, with nice angulation fore and aft. Holding a firm topline both stood and on the move, had a tendency to fly his tail at the moment when moving, showing a good side gait, just needing to tighten. Having a rich chestnut coat colour – BPD

  1. Mr & Mrs Andrews                –              Redclyst Top Gun

Another promising youngster who is coming up a year old. From a slightly larger mould than winner, liking his racy outline, which again showing to be nicely proportioned. Pleasing masculine head, dark well shaped eye and well pigmented. Long clean neck, firm topline with a slight slope, slightly steeper in croup. Lovely depth to the body, and a good width of thigh. A happy mover, not quite as coordinated as winner today

  1. Henderson, Szwajkowski & Pike –              Redclyst Pershing

Junior Dog (2,0)

  1. J Jones                –              Riverdance Of Irish Smiling Eye (Imp Bel)

Pleasing 14 month old, he has substance yet refined and racy in outline. Lovely head and having the gentlest of expressions. Has a medium length of neck, lovely depth to the brisket and development of forechest, holding a firm slightly sloping topline both stood and on the move, strong hindquarters with a good bend of stifle and width of thigh, tight feet. Moving out with good rear drive

  1. Henderson, Szwajkowski & Pike –              Redclyst Pershing

11 month old, giving a lot away in maturity in this class, previously 3rd in the puppy class. A little more rangy at the moment and needing time to fill his frame. Having raciness to his outline. Pleasing head, good length of neck, enough depth for his age, firm topline, slightly steeper croup. Not quite as together on the move as winner. Shown in super gleaming rich coat.

Yearling Dog (3,1)

  1. Mr & Mrs Needs                –              Covarney Paco Rabanne

Lovely outline and shape to his 20 month old dog. Beautifully presented and in a gleaming jacket. Masculine head, with a dark eye and nicely chiselled, lean and elegant. Having a flow from his long neck into his well held topline. Good depth and spring to the ribcage, with development of forechest. Strong in his topline both stood and on the move, but did have a tendency to fly his tail. Strong hindquarters which he used to advantage on the move

  1. J MacDonald                –              Redclyst Head Full Of Dreams

Just shy of 2 years, thought him to be quite eye-catching for his elegance and racy outline. Delightful head and expression so soft and gentle.  Long lean neck, deep brisket, and nicely sprung ribs, a little steeper in croup. Strong and well angulated hindquarters. Today not the precision of the winner on the move

Maiden Dog (2,0)

  1. J Jones                –              Riverdance Of Irish Smiling Eye (Imp Bel)

Repeat – Junior Dog

  1. Henderson & Szwajkowski                –              Redclyst Pasha

Repeat – Minor Puppy Dog

Novice Dog (3,0)

  1. Mr & Mrs Condron                –              Covarney Moschino

When stood this 20 month old dog has a shapely outline with a lovely flow, showing good balance and proportions. Having the desired raciness with substance of body and bone. Masculine head, lovely dark eye, and chiselling giving a gentle and thoughtful expression. He has a good length of neck showing a slight arch flowing neatly into a slightly sloping topline. He has depth to the body, elbows are a little tied in but nicely boned. Keeping a pleasing shape in profile movement just a little untidy in front. In good coat and of a rich colour

  1. J Jones                –              Riverdance Of Irish Smiling Eye (Imp Bel)

Repeat – Junior Dog

  1. Henderson, Szwajkowski & Pike –              Redclyst Pershing 

Debutant Dog (2,0)

  1. J Jones                –              Riverdance Of Irish Smiling Eye (Imp Bel)

Repeat – Junior Dog

  1. Henderson & Szwajkowski                –              Redclyst Pasha

Repeat – Minor Puppy Dog 

Undergraduate Dog (2,0)

  1. Harris, Bridgwater & Hoeksema –              Blazing Bronze Happy Clappy Sings Konakakela JW (Imp Nld)

A real eye-catching dog, and at only 21 months old the best is still to come. He showed himself off with confidence and style. He possesses the desired racy outline, whilst being shapely, balanced and all in proportion. Clean cut back skull, length to the foreface and lovely shaped dark eye giving him a melting expression. Long clean neck which flowed seamlessly into a slightly sloping topline and well set on tail. The body has depth with a good spring to the ribcage and well developed forechest. Standing on well boned limbs and tight feet. Strong and muscular hindquarters with width to the thigh. His movement is positive and true, with good width behind and driving – RBD

  1. J MacDonald –              Redclyst Head Full Of Dreams

Repeat – Yearling Dog 

Graduate Dog (4,0)

  1. Mr & Mrs Fauvrelle –              Oakdene Remy Martin (Imp Bel)

Mature 21 month old, built from a slightly stronger and larger mould, but not overdone in anyway, he is all male, with elegance. Pleasing masculine head, lovely shaped eye, well chiselled and clean cut. His long slightly arched neck flowing into a well held topline. Super depth all through the body and standing on well boned limbs. Liked his well built rear, good width to the thigh and sweep of stifle. Showing to have free flowing movement and put down in lovely coat and condition.

  1. Pullen & Atkin –              Covarney Lil Tipple At Jacingail

A more compact 3 year old dog, with the desired raciness. He has a balanced head shape which is well proportioned, a good kind eye. Clean neck of good length, deep through the brisket and a nice spring to the ribs, holding a firm slightly sloping topline both when stacked and on the move. His hindquarters are well angulated. Free moving but not quite as precise as winner today. Lovely rich coat colour and in gleaming condition

  1. Mrs Hadfield –              Staratlanta Get A Wiggle On To Marzanne 

Post Graduate Dog (3,0)

  1. Mrs Russell –              Lynwood Hocus Pocus At Settesoli JW

Quite taken with this 2 year old dog, he holds a pleasing outline on the stack. Showing a racy profile with good substance and flowing lines. Well balanced and handsome head with those dark gentle eyes, and raised eye brows. Good length of neck with a slight arch, deep through the brisket, and holding a firm topline to a well set on and carried tail. His strong rear being used to drive around the ring. Close up for top honours

  1. J MacDonald –              Redclyst Maximus

Another pleasing 2 year old dog, beautifully presented in a rich chestnut coat with well balanced body lines. Masculine and nicely proportioned head piece, lean skull with the right amount of flew and a kind dark eye. Strong yet elegant neck, lovely depth and development of forechest. Well boned limbs with nicely padded tight feet. Having a gentle slope to his topline, falling away a little at the croup. Liked his strong and muscular hindquarters. Moving out with purpose

  1. Mr Condron –              Covarney Everyone Knows 

Limit Dog (6,0)

  1. Mrs Russell –              Strathmead Huckleberry Of Settesoli

Stylish 4 year old dog, who has an impressive outline on the stack. He is of a pleasing type and construction, being masculine yet racy and elegant. Lean and balanced head, with nice amount of chiselling and kind expressive eyes. Long clean neck, deep through the body, holding the correct topline with a gentle slope. Well angulated hindquarters with a good width of thigh. Moving out with drive and full of himself which made him a little unsettled in his movement

  1. Mr & Mrs Condron –              Gwendariff D’ya Fancy A Fling With Convarney

Close up to winner. Most elegant and shapely 4 year old dog, liked his lovely flow from nose to tail.  He has a handsome chiselled head, with the right amount of work in it, dark well shaped eye. Good length of neck with slight arch, seamlessly flowing into a firm and slightly sloping topline to a well set on and used tail. He has the desired strength to the body with depth and spring to the ribcage. Well angulated hindquarters with width across the thigh. A happy and sound mover, today just preferring the forward reach of winner. Shown in a gleaming jacket of rich chestnut.

  1. Mr & Mrs Pike –              Redclyst Boris 

Open Dog (7,2)

  1. Mrs Pym –              Thendara The Watchmaker

Very smart and eye catching 4 year old dog, who showed himself off with confidence and style. When stood he possesses lovey body lines, elegant and racy with substance. Thought him just right for size, substance and overall balance. He has a handsome head, long and lean with the raised eyebrows, dark well shaped eyes all giving him a melting expression. His clean slightly arched neck flowing into a firm and well held topline, gently sloping to a well set on and carried tail. He has lovely depth and forechest with his forelegs well underneath him. The ribs are carried well back with a strong loin. Having strength to his hindquarters, showing a good width and bend of stifle. On the move he has a ground covering easy stride with reach and drive. To be ultra picky would like him to be a fraction cleaner in front action, but that is being picky! He looked a picture as he moved with enthusiasm and pizzazz. Turned out to perfection, and in first class coat and condition. Delighted to award him BD & BIS

  1. Mrs Mitchell                                              –              Sh Ch Amblin’s Sweet William

Cracking 7 year old dog, looking in fine fettle and cutting a shapely silhouette when stood. All male and racy all through. He is very harmonious in his proportions and of a lovely type. Most beautiful head and expression, long and lean, well chiselled and those shapely dark eyes, so gentle and soft in his expression. Good strength and depth to the body, pleasing forechest and well boned limbs onto neat feet. Holding a firm topline with correct tail set and carriage. Moving soundly and with precision. Coat in full bloom and of a rich chestnut. A lovely dog, today losing out to that extra sparkle on the move. Delighted to award him BVIS

  1. Condron & Needs –              Covarney Macaroon ShCM 

Veteran Dog (2,0)

  1. Walsh & Foster –              Millcroft Chase The Moon To Shanoah

Pleasing outline to this 7 year old dog, he is shapely and elegant, with the desired racy outline. He has a balanced head with good planes. Long clean neck flowing into a firm well held slightly sloping topline with a well carried tail. He has depth to the brisket and developed forechest. Liked his hindquarters as they are well angulated with a good width to the thigh and hocks well let down. Showing his fun side on the move, being true and with drive from the rear, not as clean in his front movement. Lovely dark jacket, beautifully presented.

  1. J MacDonald –              Redclyst Kearney

Upstanding 8 year old dog. A lovely headed dog, with such a kind and gentle expression from those dark eyes. His elegant long neck flowing into a firm topline. Not quite the forechest of winner, but deep in the brisket with a good spring. A fraction shorter in the ribcage and falling away at the croup. Strong hindquarters with a good bend of stifle, well boned limbs and tight feet

Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0)

  1. Mrs Catling –              Quensha Family Portrait For Teleri

Oh my what a poppet, just loved her, she oozed character and charm. Thought her to be a quality puppy showing lots of promise. She is most appealing in her outline, so well developed for her age of 8 months. Her outline is balanced and body lines feminine and elegant but with strength. Feminine head, with good length lean and well chiselled with that dark mischievous eye! She has a lovely flow to her neck and topline, well developed in both forechest and depth of brisket. Standing on well bone legs and tight feet. Still needing to tighten on the move, but showing a lovely freedom of stride – BPB & BPIS

  1. Mr & Mrs Pike –              Redclyst Ola

Happy and outgoing 9 month old bitch that has a little more range to her outline at the moment. She has a very feminine head, with a lovely soft and gentle expression from her dark well shaped eyes. Long and elegant neck, needing to develop in forechest, but she has plenty of time on her side. Well angulated hindquarters with a good width of thigh. A happy mover, just needing time to tighten up

Puppy Bitch (7,0)

  1. Mrs Mitchell –              Strathmead Tatiana With Amblin

Another youngster with so much to like, she is a very shapely 9 month old and everything in the right place. She has lovely well balanced body lines, elegant and racy with depth and substance. Nicely proportioned head piece with kind expression. Her long slightly arched neck flowing into a firm topline and well set on tail. Liked her harmonious angulation fore and aft. Super depth for one so young with well sprung ribs. Strength to her hindquarters. Having a lovely side gait when she put her mind to it, driving from the rear a little loose at present in front. Beautifully presented and one to watch for the future.

  1. Mr & Mrs Bridgwater –              Bridgella’s Don’t Push It

10 month old bitch who looked a picture on the stack, just right for size and balance and shown with a gleaming flat coat of rich chestnut. So feminine in her outline, but having strength in the body. Lovely head, plenty of work to it, and dark melting eyes. Depth to the brisket, well sprung ribs and forechest. A nice sweep of stifle and width of thigh. Moving with drive, today not as tidy as winner behind.

  1. Ms Turner –              Gwendariff A Gee An Tee For Me

Junior Bitch (1,0)

  1. Ms Randle –              Alolfrana Lady Million At Rionore (AI)

14 month old bitch, at an in between stage in her outline at the moment, but with many fine attributes. Lovely head and expression, with raised eye brows and correctly shaped dark eye. Her neck shows good length and flows nicely into a firm slightly sloping topline. Standing on well boned limbs and neat feet. Enough depth and spring to the ribs. Having length in her hindquarters from hip to hock. Moving freely and holding her shape in profile, just needing to tighten a little more. Lovely rich coat colour which gleamed

Yearling Bitch (4,1)

  1. Mrs Hadfield –              Covarney Estee Avec Marzanne JW

Lovely outline when stood to this 20 month old bitch, racy and elegant and so feminine. She has such a shapely and appealing profile all wrapped up in a gloriously rich chestnut coat. She has the most feminine of heads, well balanced and soft in her expression. Good length of neck, with a flow from nose to tail. Liked her depth and forechest, with well sprung ribs and strong loin. Strong in her hindquarters which showed when moving away with good width and true. Not quite the extension in front today of the main winners. Put down in super condition

  1. Mrs Barnes –              Gwendariff Lets Look At Me

19 month old bitch, having a little more substance all through than winner, still very feminine and with well balanced body lines. Much to like, from her lean elegant head, with melting expression, long clean neck, deep in the brisket and well developed in front. She holds a firm topline both stood and on the move. Liked her muscled hindquarters having good width and bend of stifle. Pleasing shape on the move with good drive, not the precision behind of winner today. Well presented and handled

  1. Mrs Kennedy-Sloane –              Twoacres Destiny

Maiden Bitch (4,0)

  1. Mr & Mrs Bridgwater –              Bridgella’s Don’t Push It

Repeat – Puppy Bitch

  1. Mrs Evans –              Twoacres Double Bubble

Elegant 10 month old bitch, previously VHC in very good puppy class. She certainly has a lovely racy look to her profile when stood. Delightful head, with good proportions, those lovely eyebrows and dark gentle eyes. Long elegant neck, not quite the forechest of winner, good depth and spring to the ribcage. A fraction bum high at present. Strong hindquarters. Moving OK just need time to tighten

  1. Mr & Mrs Wheeler –              Twoacres Double Trouble

Novice Bitch (3,0)

  1. Mr & Mrs Bridgwater –              Bridgella’s Don’t Push It

Repeat – Puppy Bitch

  1. Ms Randle –              Alolfrana Lady Million At Rionore (AI)

Repeat – Junior Bitch

  1. Mr & Mrs Wheeler –              Twoacres Double Trouble

Debutant Bitch (2,0)

  1. Miss Hempstead –              Covarney Summer Lovin Among Flameview

2 year old bitch of nice size and proportions, nothing is overdone, all in moderation. Pretty head, with a kind dark eye. Clean neck of good length. Liked her depth and spring of rib, with well boned limbs. Topline a little level, tail well set on and carried. Hindquarters have strength. Moving out in profile, good behind a little narrow in front. Coat of a nice rich colour.

  1. Mr & Mrs Pike –              Redclyst Ola

Repeat Minor Puppy Bitch

Undergraduate Bitch (5,0)

  1. Mrs Hadfield –              Covarney Estee Avec Marzanne JW

Repeat – Yearling Bitch

  1. Mrs Catling –              Teleri Here Comes Summer (AI)

Lovely outline to this 2 year old, racy and elegant, close up to winner. Thought she was typical and balanced in her profile when stood. Melting head and expression, long clean neck with a lovely flow to her well held topline. Body shows good depth and standing on well boned legs. Well bent stifles which were put to good use on the move to show good drive, just preferring the precision of winner today.

  1. Mr & Mrs Condron –              Covarney Lil Pickle 

Graduate Bitch (5,0)

  1. Byrne, Edwards & Howlett –              Konakakela Just Meant To Be Siochanna

Classy 3 year old bitch, so clean and sound throughout. She is so very smart and looks the part when stood. Elegant, feminine and racy with lovely substance. Her coat just gleamed, even in a hall on a pouring wet day! She has one of those expressions that butter wouldn’t melt. Long and lean, of a nice oval shape to the backskull, and balanced foreface, beautifully shaped dark eye. Good reach of neck flowing cleanly into a gently sloping topline. She has depth to the body and spring to the ribcage. Long hindquarters from Hip to hock with a lovely bend of stifle. Moving out with style and enthusiasm, a little too much at times throwing her front out a fraction, with super drive in the rear

  1. Mrs Purves –              Astleyview Elegant I Am Over Grousehill

4 year old bitch from a slightly bigger mould than winner and a little more sturdy, but still retaining her femininity. Another lovely head and expression very gentle and soft. Good length of neck, into a firm topline. Good depth and spring to the ribs. She stands on well boned limbs and well arched toes, and has strength in her rear. Moves with a good side gait, preferring the width behind of winner

  1. Mrs Barnes –              Gwendariff Lets Look At Me 

Post Graduate Bitch (7,1)

  1. Mrs Catling –              Teleri Indian Summer (AI) JW

Just lovely, fell for the elegance and raciness of this 2 year old bitch. She has a natural presence about her that cannot be ignored. Her profile when stood is so balanced and unexaggerated, yet so shapely and feminine. Her confidence and character just shone through. She has a quality head piece, balanced and proportionate, lovely oval backskull, expressive eye brows, and those eyes, oh dear you can get lost in them. Elegant neck smoothly flowing into a strong topline which was held at all times. Good depth to the ribs, and carried well back, firm over the loin. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Having real scope to her movement when seen in profile, with reach and drive and a good head carriage, just flowing around the ring. BB & RBIS

  1. Byrne, Edwards & Howlett –              Konakakela Just Meant To Be Siochanna

Repeat Graduate Bitch

  1. Mr & Mrs Bridgwater –              Blazing Bronze Eye Candy (Imp Nl) 

Limit Bitch (5,1)

  1. Mrs Roberts –              Jetsetter Cristalle To Polmennor JW (Imp Rus)

Well balanced 2 year old with lovely flowing body lines. Presenting a typical feminine outline when stood. She has an appealing head, being well balanced and expressive. Good length of neck, and cleanly flowing from nose to tail. She has a good spring to the ribs, would like a fraction more depth. Well boned legs and tight feet. Liked her hindquarters, showing a good width and bend of stifle in good muscle tone. Moving with a ground covering action, presented in good coat and condition

  1. Mr & Mrs Condron –              Covarney Lil Minx

Shapely 4 year old, from a slightly larger mould than winner, but so feminine and elegant in her profile. Pretty head, long and lean, and well proportioned with a lovely dark eye.  Long slightly arched neck, good depth to the brisket and spring of ribs. Holding a firm slightly sloping topline and strong in her hindquarters. A free mover, not as positive behind today. Shown in a beautiful rich dark coat

  1. Mrs Hadfield –              Marzanne China In Your Hand

Open Bitch (5,2)

  1. Miss Waterton –              Sandstream Welcome Breeze JW ShCM

Lovely 5 year old bitch, at full maturity and in full bloom. Looking the picture of elegance and refinement. She has the desired substance yet retains that racy quality. She is so shapely with lovely body lines that flow from nose to tail. She has a classic head shape with a very sweet expression. Her clean neck seamlessly flowing into a firm and slightly sloping topline with a well set on and used tail.  Loved her depth and spring of rib with a short strong loin. Having a good sweep of stifle and pleasing width to the thigh. In first class coat and condition. Moved with a noble air about her with a lashing tail and covering the ground well and at one with her handler – RBB

  1. Mr & Mrs Pike –              Redclyst Aura

6 year old bitch, another who is the picture of elegance and refinement. Liked her well proportioned head, which is feminine and well chiselled with very expressive raised eyebrows, kind and gentle in her expression. Well developed through the body, with a good forechest and brisket well let down. Quality boned legs with a strong backend. On the move showed reach and drive, not quite as true behind as the winner. Lovely rich chestnut coat and shown in good condition

  1. Mr & Mrs Andrews –              Millcroft Scarlet Moon

Veteran Bitch (3,0)

  1. Mrs Partridge –              Brabrook Starstruck Of Kerrydown

What a lovely 9 ½ year old, this bitch can certainly move, so precise and driving with her head held high so obviously enjoying herself.  When stood showing to be well proportioned and balanced, with substance and elegance. Just loved her head, peppered with grey giving a regal air to her, and wisdom from those dark well shaped eyes. Good length of neck, super depth and ribbing, strong hindquarters which were put to good use on the move – BVB

  1. Mrs Roberts –              Polmennor For Fun

Happy and outgoing 9 year old. Liked her overall size, substance and femininity. She has such a kind expression with a hint of mischief. Lovely oval backskull, raised brows and chiselling under the eyes. Good length to the neck, well held topline, firm and slightly sloping. Lovely strong hindquarters. Not quite the front assembly of winner which made her front movement a little lose, but with great drive from the rear. Beautiful rich chestnut coat, well presented and handled

  1. Mrs Roberts –              Lynwood Full Of Grace At Polmennor 

Brace (1,0)

  1. Mrs Hadfield –              Marzanne

Once we all stopped laughing at one dog munching on the others neck as they went around, they did get a couple of coordinated strides together, making a pleasing pair