St Agnes CA
IRISH SETTERS: J (3) 1 Robert’s Jetsetter Cristalle to Polmennor JW IMP RUS- 15month old bitch. Very feminine dog. Quite slight. I believe could mature in to quite a lovely bitch, but needs maturing both in body and coat. Showing promise from a Junior class. Long and lean head of soft expression. Not as pronounced a stop as I would have liked, but none the less appealing. Enticed you to look again at her head by use of her ever-curious eyebrows. Well-constructed front of good angulation. Personally, would like more spring to the ribs, but believe this will come with maturity. Very nice, straight topline with a gentle slope to hindquarters that had good angulation. Upper and second thigh should come over time, but not weak. This showed in the movement of the dog, as drove out well with the handler, however, a few little problems on the day meant that she didn’t get top honours. Very neat feet. This young girl was considered for BOB but the lack of maturity in construction, coat and movement meant that she did not achieve this. Would have been RBOB if there had been one. Would like to go over again when mature. 2 Beldham’s Redclyst Charlie Brown at Bowringlee- 13-month dog. Another dog that I think will certainly improve with age. A compact dog. Very kind expression with a well-proportioned stop. Dark hazel and soulful eyes, of the required shape. Ears set on low. Neck of proportionate length. Correct in front angulation that gave rise to a sternum of good depth/prominence. Well sprung ribs, with decent rear-angulation. Movement was not as true as 1st in any of the desired undertakings, on the day. Woodham’s Thendara Dua Lipa at Tykkidyw- Sadly withdrew. L (3,1) 1 Coleman’s Devacott Rose Creek- this was a very mature looking 2-year-old. Quite a strong head for a bitch, but none the less lovely. Long and lean (as should be), with correct oval shape from ear to ear. Well pronounced stop, with both planes of the skull and muzzle being parallel and of equal length. The twitching brows framed the correct, unshelled almond shaped eyes well. Slight arch in to a moderately long length, that did not break in to the shoulders. Front angulation good, which lead in to a well-developed sternum. Very well sprung ribs that had plenty space to house an engine that could go all day. Topline could be better. Strong, wide hindquarters that enabled the bitch to move well around the ring. Best mover of all the Irish Setters on the day. Very little to criticise on movement. All framed off with a very splendid full coat. BOB. 2 Robert’s Polmennor Spinning Moons- A running theme with this owner/breeder were very fine and quite elegant bitches, that were very well present/stacked. This 3-year-old was no exception. Very feminine girl with sleek lines, but still nicely muscled. A balanced, fine head. Personally, prefer a little more prominence to the stop. Neck of proportionate length and fitted the standard. Correct angulation of the shoulders, with a good front. Lovely, well-presented, neat feet. Adequate rib and decent in the loin. Good topline which flowed on to a well-positioned tail set. Again, in the stack a pleasing look to the bitch. However, movement was not as good as first, although drove out well. Up and back was not as refined as I would have liked, on the day. OD (3,2) 1 Ord’s Heathclare Home of the Brave- There was no mistaking this 5-year-old was a dog, with a head to match, but pleasing. Good prominence to the stop. Ears set on low, framing a nice head. Neck of moderately long length. Structure of the front most sound, lovely deep chest, with correct angulation to the shoulders. Coverage on the body a little too much for my liking and could do with losing a pound or two, but retained a good topline, which intrigued me. I would also like to see a little more muscle to the hindquarters, that may give a little better overall balance to this dog. Tail set and croup set on well. Again, movement could be a little more refined in both the triangle and the straight up and back. I don’t think he brought all his clothes on the day. Lovely temperament and disposition. The tail did not stop as the dog went around the ring or when gone over by the judge. Nice to see. OB (3,1) 1 Hawke’s Lynwood Laced With Love- this 3 year old bitch won this class on her movement and overall presence in the ring. Most of the bitches on the day had similar characteristics in style and make up, but this class was even more so, making it a tough choice between the two dogs present. The reason why became very evident from the breeding. Very feminine head, which suited the style of bitch well. I have written in my notes “good head”, several times and I stick to this statement. All aspects of the head construction sound and appealing. Good length to the neck that was proportionate to the size of dog. Front construction sound, however, would like a little more sternum. Adequate spring of rib, that again suited a dog of this size. Good length to loin and coupling, giving rise to an appealing topline. Upper thigh of nice thickness. On the move, the triangle was not bad, but initially, a little erratic on the straight up and back. When asked to run again, proved that she required a second run to get in to her flow. Once again, a dog with a very agreeable disposition. Lovely to see. 2 Robert’s Lynnwood Full of Grace at Polmennor. A very similar bitch to 1st in many aspects. Very feminine in overall appearance. Head lean and fine in appearance. Would prefer a more defined stop. Nicely defined occiput. Remaining features of the head correct. Not quite the length of neck of one, but of good muscularity. Would like the lines from neck to shoulder to be a little cleaner. Front construction nice and of decent angulation. Topline good with a nice gentle slope. I believe a little more muscle to the hindquarters would help this girl, both in appearance and in movement. Didn’t move as well as 1st on the day in most aspects. BOB- Devacott Rose Creek
Hefin Jones