Torquay DCA



 SETTER IRISH: P (3.2) Rutherford’s Majestyka Indian Summer at Clonargeera. BP. 11month old bitch puppy, lovely head, topline and tailset.A bit gangly on the move but will tighten with age. 2 Hadfield’s Covarney Estee Avec Marzanne. Younger bitch. Still very much a baby but everything in the right place for her age. G (7.1) 1 Hadfield’s Staratlanta Get a Wiggle On at Marzanne. Lovely headed dog, correct topline good angulation and moved with purpose. 2nd Petifer’s Heathclare Liberty at Crosswest. Balanced bitch, pretty head and expression, good bone and topline. Moved ok. 3 Macdonnald’s Redclyst Maximus. OD (5.1) 1 Kerrydown One Man. RBOB. I have watched this dog from a youngster and going over him for the first time, he did not disappoint in any way. Only marginally beaten for BOB by his litter sister. 2 Gardiner’s Harred’s Harlie of Blaysdell. 3 Macdonnald’s Redclyst Kearney. OB (4.2) 1 Partidge’s Kerrydown Octavia Sh Cm. BOB an GG2. Full sister to my previous class winner and what a super pair. Her coat is not her fortune but beautifully made and presented. A credit to her owner breeder. 2 Hadfield’s Marzanne China in Your hand. Four year old with sire from my winner’s kennel. Good outline. Well muscled and moved with drive. Pretty head and expression.


Heather Lenzi