Wath, West Melton & DCS
IRISH SETTER: P 3 (1) Leach’s Loganrish Beautiful Girl Immature. 7 month old well balance head with pronounced occiput, dark eye, nice neck into good shoulders, good depth or rib, nice quarters, moved well. BP and P.Group 4. 2. Pallisters Corranroo Nordic Kiss At Penwyn. PG(6,2) 1 Savages Brabrook Masterpiece At Firefall, nice size dog with balanced head with dark almond shaped eye, good neck and shoulder, straight front, well ribbed, level topline, well turned stifles,moves well BOB. 2. Clayton Lee & Lees Rubratinneh Sisika. 3. Markhams Glenlaine Samuel Whiskers. O (2,1) 1 Savages Gwendariff The Ringmaster At Firefall. Masculine dog, of good type, carrying too much weight.
Barrie Welham