Critique Welsh Kennel Club Jan 2019

Welsh Kennel Club


My thanks to the Officers and Committee for their invitation and warm hospitality, also to my stewards for their invaluable assistance and to all the exhibitors who entered and made for such an enjoyable day.. . 


J (2, 1) 1 Lewis’ Quenshs Dream A Dream. At just under 12 months, presented a lovely feminine example. Kept her well balanced structure on the move which was sound. Deep chest and correctly narrow in front. Long and muscular hindlegs used well on the move. BP. 

G 1 Jones’ Gwendariff Pink Floyd. Fine and upstanding in profile and on the move. Such a rich colour. Correct head, neck and shoulders, deep and sloping. Well sprung ribs and firm topline. Movement was exceptional – free flowing and driving forward showing total co-ordination. BOB. 2 Mugford’s Lynwood Abracadabra JW. Feminine of good make and shape. Pleasing head and eye with typical outlook. Good front assembly, depth of chest. Firm body. Preferred the movement of first today. 3 Childs’ Anlory Tamhil. 

O (2, 1) 1 Childs’ Tredura Val Verdi. Stood alone, well made and presented a balanced picture. Good front assembly standing on good legs and feet. Well sprung ribs, firm streaight topline sloping gently downwards. Movement was ok. 

Huw D Bishop