Windsor Gundog 3/10/2018
Thank you to the committee for the invite to judge at your show . It was a shame that another Canine Society in quite close vicinity had to move their show to the same day . A midweek show in this area of the country will always need every entry possible so to have two shows held on the same day was such a shame as I am sure both entries suffered especially in Irish Setters as another breed specialist was judging at the other show . Not with standing these facts , I enjoyed my day and the weather was kind to us . I had some excellent dogs to judge . Thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs and taking my decisions in a sporting manor . As always I am looking for a dog who confirms to their breed standard a quality racy exhibit who can move correctly .
Irish Setters
Minor Puppy
1st Kennedy -Sloane’s Two Acres Destiny
Pretty 7 month bitch with a dark eye and kind expression , obviously a baby, who has all the correct attributes to mature on . She has a nice outline stood , gentle slop to topline , good body proportions , rear quarters have adequate angulation. On the move she was steady , just a little close behind today .
1st Fox’s Kerryfair Special Diamond , more forward than the MP ,another pretty girl , dark eye and low ear set , good forechest and nicely bodied up with a decent spring of rib and good width to 2nd thigh . On the move she was better behind in her rear action , this won her BP
1st Bailey’s Danaway Desert Song
Very handsome head on this young dog , broad skull, good length and depth to muzzle , with very expressive dark eyes . Balanced outline stood , gentle slope from withers to tail . Good length to upper arm and correct layback of shoulder . Muscled rear quarters with good bend of stifle . Steady on the move . Will watch him mature .
1st Bailey’s Danaway Desert Song
Repeat of junior
My best class of the day it was headed by two lovely bitches, who I am sure will change places often .
1st Humphrey’s Crimpington Flirtini To Henaleas JW
Striking in outline
A really nice bitch to go over everything flows, she has a strong front with good forechest , gently sloping down to her well angulated rear quarters, good width of 2nd thigh and good turn of stifle . She was shown in good muscular condition and lovely dark coat.
She has a feminine head and dark eye that twinkles naughtiness when she looks at you. She won this class and BOB on her free-flowing movement round the ring.
2nd Elkins Two Acre Promise Of Spring With Avacet
Very balanced bitch and as I said she was close up to 1st . I preferred the head on this bitch, dark eye and nice chiselling giving her a beautiful expression. Gentle slope to her topline into strong rear quarters. Good bend of stifle and she stood on very neat feet . On the move she flowed just not as positive as the 1st place today but delighted to award her RBOB
3rd Evan’s Two Acres Spring Blossom
Post Graduate
1st Evan’s Two Acres Spring Blossom
3rd in previous class but came up against two lovely girls she is a nice bitch, bigger made all through but still in balance and feminine.
Very pretty head with a kind, soft expression, low set ears . She moved steady and true
Open Dog
1st Hoskins Sandstream Just A Breeze With Ralphski
A dog I have done well in the past. I still really like him, he just wasn’t at his best today . Making it difficult for his handler to get the best out of him, these things happen but tomorrow is always another day .
He has the most gorgeous of heads, raised brows and the typical irish expression. He has balanced and correct angulation front and back and is shown in excellent coat of lovely texture and colour . He did enough to win this class but unfortunately, I could do no more for him today.
2nd Andrews Millcroft Moon Riot .
Another dog I have judged before, he has a masculine head with good dark eye , correct front construction with enough forechest .
His topline for me is a little too steep and just falls of at the croup. He was handled well today and his movement covered the ground.
Open Bitch
1st Fox Millcroft Bubbling Moon
Presents a nice outline stood . No exaggerations she has a pretty head with dark eyes and raised brows ,good layback of shoulder and a good forechest . Stifles well bent and stands on neat feet . Steady and true on the move .
2nd Andrews Millcroft Scarlet Moon .
This bitch has such a pretty head and soft expression . She has lots of nice attributes and you need to get your hands on her . She is well ribbed back with a good spring of ribs . Adequate angled rear quarters . It’s all hidden under too much coat and she was a little overweight . Which is a shame as she rolls a bit on the move . She has potential to do more .
Judge Tania Gardner ( Danwish )