A dog is eligible for entry in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are offered if it has qualified in any of the following ways under the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club.
(1) If it is a Champion, Show Champion, Field Trial Champion, Working Trial Champion, Obedience Champion or Agility Champion under the rules of The Kennel Club.
(2) If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book, or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by 23 January 2023.
(3) If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book, or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by 23 January 2023 through Field Trials or Working Trials.
(4) If it has won any of the following prizes in a breed class (as defined in The Kennel Club regulations for the Definitions of Classes at Championship Shows) at a championship show, where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed between 24 January 2022 and 23 January 2023.
i. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class
ii. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class
iii. First, Second or Third in Junior Class
iv. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class
v. First, Second or Third in Novice Class
vi. First, Second or Third in Graduate Class
vii. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class
viii. First, Second or Third in Limit Class
ix. First, Second or Third in Open Class
x. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class
(5) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2022. (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under a. (4) above).
(6) If a Beagle, has won a First Prize at a Hound Show between 24 January 2022 and 23 January 2023 held under the Rules and Regulations of the Masters of Harriers and Beagles Association.
(7) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between 24 January 2022 and 23 January 2023.
(8) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show between 24 January 2022 and 23 January 2023.