SEISC AGM March 2024


Notice for the Annual General Meeting

to be held on Sunday, 24 March 2024 at 11am

at Wyndham Hall

Church St, Amesbury, Salisbury SP4 7EU

Items for the AGENDA of the Annual General Meeting must be received, in writing, BY THE SECRETARY no later than 42 days before the AGM. (10th February 2024)

THE SECRETARY must receive nominations for the elections of Principal Officers and Committee members in writing, no later than 24th November 2023.

All nominees for Officers must have been Committee members for the preceding 12 months; all nominees for committee must have been members for the preceding 2 years.  All nominees must be proposed and seconded by those who have been fully paid up members for the preceding year. The written approval of nominees must be given. A short CV (which may be edited) would be appreciated from all nominees to be circulated with the voting papers.

Jacquie Rorke is standing down as Treasurer in accordance with the rules and offers herself for re election.

The following committee members are standing down in accordance with the rules and offer themselves for re election: Gill Kennedy-Sloane and Jean Lippett. Jean Meekings is standing down and is not offering herself for re-election.

There are several vacancies on the committee and new committee members are always welcome.


Mrs. P. Harris, The Lodge, High Hall, Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 4HY

by 24th November.

Voting papers will be circulated in time for them to be returned to the scrutineer two calendar months before the AGM and the results will be notified to members when the Agenda for the AGM is circulated.

                                                                                                              October 2023