Spring Gallery

SEISC Spring Photo Competition 2021

This Spring has never been more eagerly awaited, both for ourselves and for our setters, after a grim lockdown winter. 

Many thanks to those who have sent us these Spring photos – the whole set combines to give us a welcome taste of the energy and beauty of this season.  

Spring isn’t just a few months of the year but also a leap in the air, which my choice of the winning picture illustrates –  no breed of dog gets more joy from springing through a flower-filled meadow than an Irish Setter. 

     ~ Jean Lippett Judge

1st Place

David Parkin

Chosen for the colour, energy and joy in this image

2nd Place

Laura Kolbach

That joyous feeling when you’re set free to run outside after a long grey cold winter

3rd Place

Ken Jarvis

A quieter picture, showing the rich soft light that is so beautiful in Springtime.

Many thanks to Jean Lippett for taking on what must have been the difficult, but hopefully enjoyable, task of judging our Spring Photo Competition. Jean, a professional photographer, is usually seen around the SEISC shows with her camera.