Caledonian Canine Society

Saturday 2nd February 2019

Irish Setter Puppy (4)

1. Hughes Gwendariff Ur Going Places. Stood out as my winner, with classic outline nicely off for bone, a well balanced pup of 10½ months, with lovely expression, good head planes, lovely chiseling under well-shaped dark eye, raised brow, ears set on low, lying close, well defined occipital bone, clean neck with correct front assembly, and gentle slope to topline, good tail set and well-angled hindquarters. It was a pleasure to watch him move round the the ample sized ring with plenty of reach & drive. Well handled to BP & Puppy Group

2. Sturrocks Forfarian Bang Tidy. Bang Tidy indeed. Striking young baby, good type & balanced all through. Pleasing head, with raised brow & kind expression, moderate length of neck, good front assembly, well sprung ribs & good width of loin. A little unsettled on the move but full of promise & one to watch as he matures.

3. Sturocks Forfarian Soo Lush.

Irish Setter Junior (1)

1. Greens Braidmount Dreamed A Dream For Glencarron. Good overall balance. Excellent head with well defined occiput. Soft expression. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder. Deep ribcage. Well ribbed back. Correct topline and tailset. Well made hindquarters.

Irish Setter Graduate (4)

1. McNeil & Boyd-McNeils Glennlokhen Deveron. This young lady presented a very balanced outline. She has a very pleasing head & expression, feminine without any trace of coarseness. Good eye shaped with raised brows, strong neck into good front assembly, super depth of chest, well sprung ribs & well muscled loin. Wide hindquarters, well bent stifles & short hocks. Moved positively showing reach & drive.

2. Whiteheads Gwendariff Gonna Winsome. Another quality bitch, there is so much to like about her. She has a beautiful head & expression, well shaped eye & raised brows. Clean slightly arched neck, into super straight front, good deep chest, well sprung ribs & strong loin, Moved freely & soundly.

3. Greens Braidmount Dreamed A Dream For Glencarron

Irish Setter Limit (3,1)

1. McNeil & Boyd-McNeils Gwendariff Gonna Go For Gold at Glennlokhen. An excellent moving dog who showed fluidity & great reach, lovely front assembly, well-muscled hind quarters, a good jacket and wonderful overall condition. I absolutely loved his head and expression His outline flows from tip to toe, in tip-top condition, a wonderful body with great depth and lovely ribbing and strength to his quarters. His handler as always gets the absolute best from her charge. BOB & Group 4.

2. Murchisons Pawsword Paperback Writer. Another gentleman of quality & excellent type. He has a good head, with melting expression, beautiful raised brows. He possesses a sloping topline, good strong bone & straight front. He is well muscled with good angulation front & behind. Moved positively & true.

Irish Setter Open (4,3)

1. Tupper & Rosies Staratlanta Elliott Sh CM. Nice head proportions with good finish to muzzle. Dark eye and gentle expression. Low set ears, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. Deep chest and well sprung ribs. Correct length of muscular loin. Gently sloping topline with correct tail set. Nothing exaggerated. Presented in beautiful coat and condition.

Judge – Ruth Longbottom